The Messiah Will Return - Sister Frances - ebook

The Messiah Will Return ebook

Sister Frances

26,71 zł

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'Issa Al-Massih, Jesus the Messiah, will come. A global government like a great mafia appears to shape itself more and more. Under the traits of the figure of the Antichrist, numerous Islamic traditions speak of it. Of these, the tradition of the Gospels is manifestly the first coherent source, but very misunderstood in the West. What sort of things must happen around the manifestation of this Antichrist ? What rapport between this and the Day of Judgment with its consequences ? How do we prepare for it? The exchanges between Muslims and Christians will be nurtured by the 39 short articles in this book, allowing us to rediscover this misunderstood source which speaks to the heart.

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Liczba stron: 125

Rok wydania: 2022

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