• Image 1 of 3 of You Garden Acer Palmatum 'Dissectum' 3L

You GardenAcer Palmatum 'Dissectum' 3L

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Product description

Item number: MKXRN

E.A.N: 5 0 6 0 4 1 1 7 7 2 8 5 4

Acer Palmatum 'Dissectum' - a real garden classic.

Please note: This product cannot be delivered to Northern Ireland.

This delicate looking, lacy leaved Acer is a compact and easily managed small tree. It is ideal for smaller garden borders as a specimen or in large pots and works especially well in modern style gardens too in - a great urban garden plant.

The leaves are very fine and lace-like, emerging each spring a lovely lime green which deepens slightly over summer, then in autumn, it turns the most amazing orange, a wonderful finale to it's growing season - falling dormant to repeat it's virtuoso performance all over again year after year.

Reaching a maximum of 7-8ft (2.2M) in 10 years, its natural habit is slightly spreading, so has a large bonsai-like style of growth. Great for oriental-inspired themes. A real garden 'must-have' for low maintenance and style.

Height: 220cm Spread 250cm. Plant: Mar-Oct.
  • Potted: N
  • A stunning hardy Acer Japanese Maple with fabulous lacy green, colour-changing foliage.
  • Lime green new leaves each spring followed with amazing orange-red autumn blaze, before leaves fall in the winter.
  • Easily maintained, it's slow growing and has a slightly spreading habit, ideal for covering gaps in borders or for filling large patio pots.
  • Easy to grow, it can be placed in sun light or in shade, in soil or a large pot.
  • Supplied as a 4 year old plant in a 3L pot approx. 50cm tall - dormant in winter so will have lost its leaves.

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