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Lauren Daigle|Lauren Daigle

Lauren Daigle

Lauren Daigle
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Lauren Daigle

Lauren Daigle

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Thank God I Do

Jason Ingram, Writer - Mike Elizondo, Producer, Piano - Alecia Moore, Writer - Alex Wilder, AssistantEngineer - Chris Gehringer, Masterer - Adam Hawkins, Mixer - Craig Kallman, A&R Direction - Will Quinnell, Assistant Mastering Engineer - Justin Francis, Engineer - Betsy Lamb, Viola - Rob Moose, Cello, Viola, Violin, Strings Arranger - Pete Ganbarg, A&R Direction - Jeffrey Bhasker, Writer - Mike Elzondo, Synthesizer - Nathaniel Ruess, Writer - Lauren Daigle, Vocals, Writer, MainArtist - Steve Bartels, ExecutiveProducer - Alicia Enstrom, Violin - Philip Towns, Piano - Austin Hoke, Cello - Ryan Flanagan, AAndRAdministrator - Erica Block, AdditionalEngineer, AssistantEngineer - Annaliese Kowert, Violin

© 2023 Centricity Music exclusively marketed and distributed by Atlantic Recording Corporation ℗ 2023 Centricity Music exclusively marketed and distributed by Atlantic Recording Corporation

Saint Ferdinand (feat. Jon Batiste & Natalie Hemby)

Mike Elizondo, Producer, Acoustic Guitar, Upright Bass, Mellotron - Natalie Hemby, Vocals, Writer, Background Vocals, FeaturedArtist - Alex Wilder, AssistantEngineer - Chris Gehringer, Masterer - Adam Hawkins, Mixer - Craig Kallman, A&R Direction - Will Quinnell, Assistant Mastering Engineer - Justin Francis, Engineer - Pete Ganbarg, A&R Direction - Lauren Daigle, Vocals, Writer, MainArtist - Steve Bartels, ExecutiveProducer - Philip Towns, Clavinet - Jon Batiste, Vocals, Melodica, FeaturedArtist - Nathaniel Smith, Cello - Ryan Flanagan, AAndRAdministrator - Max Townsley, Acoustic Guitar - Erica Block, AdditionalEngineer, AssistantEngineer

© 2023 Centricity Music exclusively marketed and distributed by Atlantic Recording Corporation ℗ 2023 Centricity Music


Mike Elizondo, Producer, Electric Guitar, Piano, Writer, Drum Programmer, Synthesizer, Electric Bass - Natalie Hemby, Writer - Alex Wilder, AssistantEngineer - Chris Gehringer, Masterer - Adam Hawkins, Mixer - Will Quinnell, Assistant Mastering Engineer - Justin Francis, Engineer - Roy Agee, Trombone - Lauren Daigle, Vocals, Writer, Background Vocals, MainArtist - Steve Bartels, ExecutiveProducer - Timbre Cierpke, Harp - Emmanuel Echem, Trumpet - Philip Towns, Piano, Wurlitzer - Trevor Lawrence Jr, Drums - Max Townsley, Electric Guitar - Erica Block, AdditionalEngineer, AssistantEngineer - Evan Cobb, Saxophone

© 2023 Centricity Music exclusively marketed and distributed by Atlantic Recording Corporation ℗ 2023 Centricity Music exclusively marketed and distributed by Atlantic Recording Corporation


Mike Elizondo, Electric Bass - Natalie Hemby, Writer - Alex Wilder, AssistantEngineer - Chris Gehringer, Masterer - Adam Hawkins, Mixer - Craig Kallman, A&R Direction - Will Quinnell, Assistant Mastering Engineer - Justin Francis, Engineer - Pete Ganbarg, A&R Direction - Jon Green, Producer, Electric Guitar, Percussion, Piano, Writer, Background Vocals, Strings, Synthesizer - Mike Elzondo, Producer - Jordan Lehning, Strings Arranger - Lauren Daigle, Vocals, Writer, Background Vocals, MainArtist - Steve Bartels, ExecutiveProducer - Trevor Lawrence Jr, Drums, Percussion - Ryan Flanagan, AAndRAdministrator - Max Townsley, Electric Guitar, Nylon Strung Guitar - Erica Block, AdditionalEngineer, AssistantEngineer

© 2023 Centricity Music exclusively marketed and distributed by Atlantic Recording Corporation ℗ 2022 Centricity Music exclusively marketed and distributed by Atlantic Recording Corporation

To Know Me

Mike Elizondo, Producer, Electric Bass - Natalie Hemby, Writer - Alex Wilder, AssistantEngineer - Chris Gehringer, Masterer - Adam Hawkins, Mixer - Craig Kallman, A&R Direction - Will Quinnell, Assistant Mastering Engineer - Justin Francis, Engineer - Rob Moose, Cello, Viola, Violin, Strings Arranger - Pete Ganbarg, A&R Direction - Trevor Lawrence Jr., Drums - Amy Wadge, Writer - Lauren Daigle, Vocals, Writer, MainArtist - Steve Bartels, ExecutiveProducer - Philip Towns, Piano - Ryan Flanagan, AAndRAdministrator - Max Townsley, Acoustic Guitar - Erica Block, AdditionalEngineer, AssistantEngineer

© 2023 Centricity Music exclusively marketed and distributed by Atlantic Recording Corporation ℗ 2023 Centricity Music

Kaleidoscope Jesus

Jason Ingram, Writer - Mike Elizondo, Producer, Electric Guitar, Writer, Synthesizer, Electric Bass, Programming - Rachael Lampa, Background Vocals - Natalie Hemby, Writer - Alex Wilder, AssistantEngineer - Chris Gehringer, Masterer - Adam Hawkins, Mixer - Craig Kallman, A&R Direction - Will Quinnell, Assistant Mastering Engineer - Justin Francis, Engineer - Pete Ganbarg, A&R Direction - Charles Jones, Background Vocals - Trevor Lawrence Jr., Drums, Percussion - Kara Britz, Background Vocals - Lauren Daigle, Vocals, Writer, Background Vocals, MainArtist - Steve Bartels, ExecutiveProducer - Timbre Cierpke, Harp - Philip Towns, Rhodes Guitar - Ryan Flanagan, AAndRAdministrator - Max Townsley, Electric Guitar - Erica Block, AdditionalEngineer, AssistantEngineer - Evan Cobb, Flute - Blair Whitlow, Background Vocals

© 2023 Centricity Music exclusively marketed and distributed by Atlantic Recording Corporation ℗ 2023 Centricity Music


Mike Elizondo, Producer, Electric Guitar, Writer, Synthesizer, Electric Bass - Alex Wilder, AssistantEngineer - Lori McKenna, Writer - Chris Gehringer, Masterer - Adam Hawkins, Mixer - Craig Kallman, A&R Direction - Will Quinnell, Assistant Mastering Engineer - Justin Francis, Engineer - Pete Ganbarg, A&R Direction - Trevor Lawrence Jr., Drums, Percussion - Julian Lage, Electric Guitar - Lauren Daigle, Vocals, Writer, MainArtist - Steve Bartels, ExecutiveProducer - Timbre Cierpke, Harp - Philip Towns, Rhodes Guitar - Ryan Flanagan, AAndRAdministrator - Max Townsley, Nylon Strung Guitar - Erica Block, AdditionalEngineer, AssistantEngineer

© 2023 Centricity Music exclusively marketed and distributed by Atlantic Recording Corporation ℗ 2023 Centricity Music

Don't Believe Them

Mike Elizondo, Producer, Synthesizer, Bass Moog - Rachael Lampa, Background Vocals - Natalie Hemby, Writer - Alex Wilder, AssistantEngineer - Chris Gehringer, Masterer - Adam Hawkins, Mixer - Craig Kallman, A&R Direction - Will Quinnell, Assistant Mastering Engineer - Justin Francis, Engineer - Rob Moose, Cello, Viola, Violin, Strings Arranger - Pete Ganbarg, A&R Direction - Charles Jones, Background Vocals - Trevor Lawrence Jr., Drums, Percussion - Kara Britz, Background Vocals - Lauren Daigle, Vocals, Writer, Background Vocals, MainArtist - Steve Bartels, ExecutiveProducer - Philip Towns, Piano, Synthesizer - Ryan Flanagan, AAndRAdministrator - Max Townsley, Electric Guitar - Erica Block, AdditionalEngineer, AssistantEngineer - Blair Whitlow, Background Vocals

© 2023 Centricity Music exclusively marketed and distributed by Atlantic Recording Corporation ℗ 2023 Centricity Music


Jason Ingram, Writer - Mike Elizondo, Producer, Writer, Synthesizer, Electric Bass, Programming - Rachael Lampa, Background Vocals - Alex Wilder, AssistantEngineer - Chris Gehringer, Masterer - Adam Hawkins, Mixer - Craig Kallman, A&R Direction - Will Quinnell, Assistant Mastering Engineer - Justin Francis, Engineer - Roy Agee, Trombone - Pete Ganbarg, A&R Direction - Charles Jones, Background Vocals - Trevor Lawrence Jr., Drums, Percussion - Jordan Lehning, Horns Arranger, Strings Arranger - Kara Britz, Background Vocals - Lauren Daigle, Vocals, Writer, Background Vocals, MainArtist - Steve Bartels, ExecutiveProducer - Alicia Enstrom, Violin - Emmanuel Echem, Trumpet - Philip Towns, Piano, Clavinet, Hammond B3 Organ - Avery Bright, Viola - Austin Hoke, Cello - Ryan Flanagan, AAndRAdministrator - Max Townsley, Electric Guitar - Erica Block, AdditionalEngineer, AssistantEngineer - Evan Cobb, Saxophone - Blair Whitlow, Background Vocals - Annaliese Kowert, Violin

© 2023 Centricity Music exclusively marketed and distributed by Atlantic Recording Corporation ℗ 2023 Centricity Music

These Are The Days

Jason Ingram, Writer - Mike Elizondo, Producer, Writer, Synthesizer, Electric Bass - Rachael Lampa, Background Vocals - Natalie Hemby, Writer - Alex Wilder, AssistantEngineer - Chris Gehringer, Masterer - Adam Hawkins, Mixer - Craig Kallman, A&R Direction - Will Quinnell, Assistant Mastering Engineer - Justin Francis, Engineer - Roy Agee, Trombone - Pete Ganbarg, A&R Direction - Charles Jones, Background Vocals - Trevor Lawrence Jr., Drums, Percussion - Jordan Lehning, Horns Arranger, Strings Arranger - Kara Britz, Background Vocals - Lauren Daigle, Vocals, Writer, Background Vocals, MainArtist - Steve Bartels, ExecutiveProducer - Alicia Enstrom, Violin - Emmanuel Echem, Trumpet - Philip Towns, Piano, Hammond B3 Organ - Avery Bright, Viola - Austin Hoke, Cello - Ryan Flanagan, AAndRAdministrator - Max Townsley, Electric Guitar - Erica Block, AdditionalEngineer, AssistantEngineer - Evan Cobb, Saxophone - Blair Whitlow, Background Vocals - Annaliese Kowert, Violin

© 2023 Centricity Music exclusively marketed and distributed by Atlantic Recording Corporation ℗ 2023 Centricity Music

Salvation Mountain (feat. Gary Clark Jr.)

Jonas Myrin, Writer - Mike Elizondo, Producer, Electric Bass - Rachael Lampa, Background Vocals - Alex Wilder, AssistantEngineer - Chris Gehringer, Masterer - Adam Hawkins, Mixer - Craig Kallman, A&R Direction - Will Quinnell, Assistant Mastering Engineer - Justin Francis, Engineer - Roy Agee, Trombone - Pete Ganbarg, A&R Direction - Charles Jones, Background Vocals - Gary Clark Jr., Lead Guitar, Featured Vocals, FeaturedArtist - Trevor Lawrence Jr., Drums, Percussion - Kara Britz, Background Vocals - Lauren Daigle, Vocals, Writer, Background Vocals, MainArtist - Steve Bartels, ExecutiveProducer - Emmanuel Echem, Trumpet - Philip Towns, Piano, Hammond B3 Organ - Ryan Flanagan, AAndRAdministrator - Max Townsley, Electric Guitar - Erica Block, AdditionalEngineer, AssistantEngineer - Evan Cobb, Saxophone - Blair Whitlow, Background Vocals

© 2023 Centricity Music exclusively marketed and distributed by Atlantic Recording Corporation ℗ 2023 Centricity Music

Back To Me

Mike Elizondo, Producer, Drum Programmer, Synthesizer, Electric Bass - Alex Wilder, AssistantEngineer - Chris Gehringer, Masterer - Adam Hawkins, Mixer - Craig Kallman, A&R Direction - Will Quinnell, Assistant Mastering Engineer - Justin Francis, Engineer - Pete Ganbarg, A&R Direction - Trevor Lawrence Jr., Percussion - Amy Wadge, Writer - Lauren Daigle, Vocals, Writer, Background Vocals, MainArtist - Steve Bartels, ExecutiveProducer - Timbre Cierpke, Harp - Philip Towns, Piano, Rhodes Piano - Ryan Flanagan, AAndRAdministrator - Max Townsley, Acoustic Guitar - Erica Block, AdditionalEngineer, AssistantEngineer

© 2023 Centricity Music exclusively marketed and distributed by Atlantic Recording Corporation ℗ 2023 Centricity Music exclusively marketed and distributed by Atlantic Recording Corporation

21 Days

Mike Elizondo, Producer, Acoustic Guitar, Writer, Synthesizer, Electric Bass - Natalie Hemby, Writer - Alex Wilder, AssistantEngineer - Nate Smith, Drums, Percussion - Chris Gehringer, Masterer - Adam Hawkins, Mixer - Craig Kallman, A&R Direction - Will Quinnell, Assistant Mastering Engineer - Justin Francis, Engineer - Justin Timberlake, Background Vocals - Rob Moose, Cello, Viola, Violin, Strings Arranger - Pete Ganbarg, A&R Direction - Lauren Daigle, Vocals, Writer, Background Vocals, MainArtist - Steve Bartels, ExecutiveProducer - Will Herrington, Synthesizer, Wurlitzer - Ryan Flanagan, AAndRAdministrator - Erica Block, AdditionalEngineer, AssistantEngineer

© 2023 Centricity Music exclusively marketed and distributed by Atlantic Recording Corporation ℗ 2023 Centricity Music exclusively marketed and distributed by Atlantic Recording Corporation

Love Me Still

Jason Ingram, Writer - Mike Elizondo, Producer, Percussion, Upright Bass, Bass, Synthesizer - Tim Lauer, Piano - Alex Wilder, AssistantEngineer - Chris Gehringer, Masterer - Adam Hawkins, Mixer - Craig Kallman, A&R Direction - Will Quinnell, Assistant Mastering Engineer - Justin Francis, Engineer - Rob Moose, Cello, Viola, Violin, Strings Arranger - Pete Ganbarg, A&R Direction - Steven Furtick, Writer - Lauren Daigle, Vocals, Writer, MainArtist - Steve Bartels, ExecutiveProducer - Timbre Cierpke, Arranger, Harp - Ryan Flanagan, AAndRAdministrator - Erica Block, AdditionalEngineer, AssistantEngineer

© 2023 Centricity Music exclusively marketed and distributed by Atlantic Recording Corporation ℗ 2023 Centricity Music

Interlude #1

Mike Elizondo, Producer, Guitar, Writer - Alex Wilder, AssistantEngineer - Chris Gehringer, Masterer - Adam Hawkins, Mixer - Craig Kallman, A&R Direction - Will Quinnell, Assistant Mastering Engineer - Justin Francis, Engineer - Pete Ganbarg, A&R Direction - Lauren Daigle, Vocals, Writer, MainArtist - Steve Bartels, ExecutiveProducer - Ryan Flanagan, AAndRAdministrator - Erica Block, AdditionalEngineer, AssistantEngineer

© 2023 Centricity Music exclusively marketed and distributed by Atlantic Recording Corporation ℗ 2023 Centricity Music

Turbulent Skies

Mike Elizondo, Producer, Piano, Writer, Synthesizer, Programming - Rachael Lampa, Background Vocals - Alex Wilder, AssistantEngineer - Chris Gehringer, Masterer - Adam Hawkins, Mixer - Craig Kallman, A&R Direction - Will Quinnell, Assistant Mastering Engineer - Justin Francis, Engineer - Pete Ganbarg, A&R Direction - Charles Jones, Background Vocals - Trevor Lawrence Jr., Drums - Tedd T, Writer, Programming, Co- Producer - Kara Britz, Background Vocals - Lauren Daigle, Percussion, Vocals, Writer, Background Vocals, MainArtist - Steve Bartels, ExecutiveProducer - Emmanuel Echem, Trumpet - Ryan Flanagan, AAndRAdministrator - Erica Block, AdditionalEngineer, AssistantEngineer - Evan Cobb, Saxophone - Blair Whitlow, Background Vocals

© 2023 Centricity Music exclusively marketed and distributed by Atlantic Recording Corporation ℗ 2023 Centricity Music


Mike Elizondo, Producer, Bass - Alex Wilder, AssistantEngineer - Chris Gehringer, Masterer - Adam Hawkins, Mixer - Craig Kallman, A&R Direction - Will Quinnell, Assistant Mastering Engineer - Justin Francis, Engineer - Betsy Lamb, Viola - Rob Moose, Strings Arranger - Pete Ganbarg, A&R Direction - Tofer Brown, Producer, Piano, Writer - Lauren Daigle, Vocals, Writer, MainArtist - Steve Bartels, ExecutiveProducer - Alicia Enstrom, Violin - Austin Hoke, Cello - Ryan Flanagan, AAndRAdministrator - Erica Block, AdditionalEngineer, AssistantEngineer - Annaliese Kowert, Violin

© 2023 Centricity Music exclusively marketed and distributed by Atlantic Recording Corporation ℗ 2023 Centricity Music

Interlude #2

Mike Elizondo, Producer - Alex Wilder, AssistantEngineer - Chris Gehringer, Masterer - Adam Hawkins, Mixer - Craig Kallman, A&R Direction - Will Quinnell, Assistant Mastering Engineer - Justin Francis, Engineer - Pete Ganbarg, A&R Direction - Amy Wadge, Writer - Lauren Daigle, Vocals, Writer, MainArtist - Steve Bartels, ExecutiveProducer - Philip Towns, Piano - Ryan Flanagan, AAndRAdministrator - Erica Block, AdditionalEngineer, AssistantEngineer

© 2023 Centricity Music exclusively marketed and distributed by Atlantic Recording Corporation ℗ 2023 Centricity Music


Mike Elizondo, Producer, Electric Bass - Natalie Hemby, Writer - Alex Wilder, AssistantEngineer - Nate Smith, Drums - Chris Gehringer, Masterer - Adam Hawkins, Mixer - Craig Kallman, A&R Direction - Will Quinnell, Assistant Mastering Engineer - Justin Francis, Engineer - Rob Moose, Cello, Viola, Violin, Strings Arranger - Pete Ganbarg, A&R Direction - Jon Green, Additional Production, Writer, Background Vocals - Lauren Daigle, Vocals, Writer, MainArtist - Steve Bartels, ExecutiveProducer - Philip Towns, Piano - Ryan Flanagan, AAndRAdministrator - Max Townsley, Acoustic Guitar - Erica Block, AdditionalEngineer, AssistantEngineer

© 2023 Centricity Music exclusively marketed and distributed by Atlantic Recording Corporation ℗ 2023 Centricity Music

He’s Never Gunna Change

Mike Elizondo, Producer, Writer - Natalie Hemby, Writer - Alex Wilder, AssistantEngineer - Chris Gehringer, Masterer - Adam Hawkins, Mixer - Craig Kallman, A&R Direction - Will Quinnell, Assistant Mastering Engineer - Justin Francis, Engineer - Pete Ganbarg, A&R Direction - Charles Jones, Rhodes Piano, Hammond B3 Organ - Shane McAnally, Writer - Lauren Daigle, Vocals, Writer, Background Vocals, MainArtist - Steve Bartels, ExecutiveProducer - Ryan Flanagan, AAndRAdministrator - Erica Block, AdditionalEngineer, AssistantEngineer

© 2023 Centricity Music exclusively marketed and distributed by Atlantic Recording Corporation ℗ 2023 Centricity Music

Be Okay

Jeff Coffin, Soprano Saxophone - Mike Elizondo, Producer - Alex Wilder, AssistantEngineer - Chris Gehringer, Masterer - Adam Hawkins, Mixer - Craig Kallman, A&R Direction - Will Quinnell, Assistant Mastering Engineer - Justin Francis, Engineer - Jimmy Bowland, Baritone Saxophone - Rob Moose, Horns Arranger - Pete Ganbarg, A&R Direction - Ellie Holcomb, Writer - Lauren Daigle, Vocals, Writer, MainArtist - Steve Bartels, ExecutiveProducer - Grant Pittman, Piano - Ryan Flanagan, AAndRAdministrator - Erica Block, AdditionalEngineer, AssistantEngineer - Rahsaan Barber, Tenor Saxophone - Evan Cobb, Alto Saxophone

© 2023 Centricity Music exclusively marketed and distributed by Atlantic Recording Corporation ℗ 2023 Centricity Music exclusively marketed and distributed by Atlantic Recording Corporation

Interlude #3

Jonas Myrin, Writer - Mike Elizondo, Producer - Alex Wilder, AssistantEngineer - Chris Gehringer, Masterer - Adam Hawkins, Mixer - Craig Kallman, A&R Direction - Will Quinnell, Assistant Mastering Engineer - Justin Francis, Engineer - Pete Ganbarg, A&R Direction - Lauren Daigle, Vocals, Writer, MainArtist - Steve Bartels, ExecutiveProducer - Philip Towns, Hammond B3 Organ - Ryan Flanagan, AAndRAdministrator - Erica Block, AdditionalEngineer, AssistantEngineer

© 2023 Centricity Music exclusively marketed and distributed by Atlantic Recording Corporation ℗ 2023 Centricity Music

You’re All I’ll Take With Me

Mike Elizondo, Producer, Synthesizer, Claps, Electric Bass - Alex Wilder, AssistantEngineer - Nate Smith, Drums, Percussion, Claps - Chris Gehringer, Masterer - Adam Hawkins, Mixer - Craig Kallman, A&R Direction - Will Quinnell, Assistant Mastering Engineer - Justin Francis, Engineer - Pete Ganbarg, A&R Direction - Lauren Daigle, Vocals, Writer, Background Vocals, MainArtist - Steve Bartels, ExecutiveProducer - Grant Pittman, Writer - Emmanuel Echem, Trumpet - Philip Towns, Piano, Claps, Clavinet, Hammond B3 Organ - Desmond Ng, Trombone - Ryan Flanagan, AAndRAdministrator - Max Townsley, Electric Guitar, Background Vocals, Claps - Erica Block, AdditionalEngineer, AssistantEngineer - Daniel Sauls, Writer - Evan Cobb, Saxophone

© 2023 Centricity Music exclusively marketed and distributed by Atlantic Recording Corporation ℗ 2023 Centricity Music

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