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Some Ultimate Collection’s can feel like a rip-off. But John Lennon’s Imagine avoids this pitfall by including many treasures, spread over four discs. This 2018 edition is organised like a journey, taking the listener from the writing process to the demo recording sessions in the former Beatle’s private studio at his home in Tittenhurst Park, near Ascot, and then to the final stages of production with crazy Phil Spector. The whole was remixed by Paul Hicks under Yoko Ono’s supervision, in the Abbey Road studios, using high definition 24/96 audio transfers from the first generation of multitrack tapes. These new mixes unveil a previously unheard sonic depth and impressive definition and clarity. The first CD features the remixed original album, the singles and B-sides. The second consists of all the outtakes and extras. The third includes the the raw studio recordings. And finally, the fourth tells the story of each song, from the demo to the final version, through a sort of audio documentary that dissects the whole album…
It is fascinating to hear some of parts in isolation like the chords, the piano, or the vocals… But this generous Ultimate Collection shouldn’t draw your attention away from the essential part of it: the original album, released in September 1971. John Lennon’s post-Beatles phase was off to a flying start with an brilliant first solo attempt created with Yoko (John Lennon/Plastic Ono Band). The standard remained high on this Imagine album, with the eponymous single acquiring a legendary status (understatement) and becoming a timeless anthem of peace. Surrounded by the likes of George Harrison, Nicky Hopkins, Klaus Voormann, Alan White and Jim Keltner, the man with the spectacles from Liverpool once again shows he can do it all: moving and introspective ballads, (Jealous Guy), highly poetic lyrics, pop dreams, as well as mad rock’n’roll (It’s So Hard, I Don’t Wanna Be A Soldier, Gimme Some Truth). The shock of the album comes when Lennon openly attacks his ex-comrade Paul McCartney on How Do You Sleep. All of this was produced by the mad scientist of sound, Phil Spector, who gives the album a unique quality that would go on to influence many other albums… © Marc Zisman/Qobuz
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David Nadien, Violin - Paul Gershman, Violin - George Ricci, Cello - Jack Lesberg, BassGuitar - Torrie Zito, Conductor, Piano - John Beal, BassGuitar - Charles McCracken, Cello - George Duvivier, BassGuitar - John Lennon, Producer, Piano, Vocalist, MainArtist, ComposerLyricist - Gavin Lurssen, MasteringEngineer - PHIL SPECTOR, Producer - Kermit Moore, Cello - Jack Douglas, Engineer - Alan White, DrumKit - Emanuel Vardi, Viola - John Pintavalle, Violin - Matthew Raimondi, Violin - Paul Hicks, Engineer, MasteringEngineer, MixingEngineer - Shelly Yakus, Engineer - Yoko Ono, Producer, ComposerLyricist - Phil McDonald, Engineer - Klaus Voormann, BassGuitar - Roy Cicala, Engineer - Alfred Brown, Viola - Emanuel Green, Violin - Harry Glickman, Violin - Leo Kahn, Violin - Harold Coletta, Viola - Reuben Cohen, MasteringEngineer - Aaron Rosand, Violin - Raoul Poliakin, Violin - Anthony Sophos, Cello - Harry Katzman, Violin - Julius Brand, Violin - Ben Ginsberg, Other - Frederick Buldrini, Violin - Yoko Ono Lennon, Producer - Eddie Klein, Engineer - Joseph Malignaggi, Violin - Peter Buonconsiglio, Violin - Stanley Karpienia, Violin - Julius Shachter, Violin - Theodore Isreal, Viola - Morris Gluckman, Other
℗ 2018 Calderstone Productions Limited (a division of Universal Music Group)
Nicky Hopkins, Piano - John Lennon, Producer, Vocalist, MainArtist, ComposerLyricist, ElectricGuitar - Gavin Lurssen, MasteringEngineer - GEORGE HARRISON, DobroGuitar - PHIL SPECTOR, Producer - Jack Douglas, Engineer - Alan White, DrumKit - Paul Hicks, Engineer, MasteringEngineer, MixingEngineer - Shelly Yakus, Engineer - Yoko Ono, Producer - Phil McDonald, Engineer - Klaus Voormann, UprightBass - Roy Cicala, Engineer - Steve Brendell, UprightBass - Ted Turner, AcousticGuitar - Reuben Cohen, MasteringEngineer - Rod Lynton, AcousticGuitar - Yoko Ono Lennon, Producer - Eddie Klein, Engineer
℗ 2018 Calderstone Productions Limited (a division of Universal Music Group)
David Nadien, Violin - Nicky Hopkins, Piano - Paul Gershman, Violin - George Ricci, Cello - Jack Lesberg, BassGuitar - Torrie Zito, Conductor, Piano - John Beal, BassGuitar - Jim Keltner, DrumKit - Charles McCracken, Cello - George Duvivier, BassGuitar - John Lennon, Producer, Whistle, Vocalist, MainArtist, ComposerLyricist, AcousticGuitar - Gavin Lurssen, MasteringEngineer - PHIL SPECTOR, Producer - Kermit Moore, Cello - Jack Douglas, Engineer - Alan White, Vibraphone - Emanuel Vardi, Viola - John Pintavalle, Violin - Matthew Raimondi, Violin - Paul Hicks, Engineer, MasteringEngineer, MixingEngineer - Shelly Yakus, Engineer - Yoko Ono, Producer - Phil McDonald, Engineer - Klaus Voormann, BassGuitar - Roy Cicala, Engineer - John Barham, PumpOrgan - Alfred Brown, Viola - Emanuel Green, Violin - Harry Glickman, Violin - Leo Kahn, Violin - Harold Coletta, Viola - Reuben Cohen, MasteringEngineer - Aaron Rosand, Violin - Raoul Poliakin, Violin - Anthony Sophos, Cello - Harry Katzman, Violin - Julius Brand, Violin - Ben Ginsberg, Other - Frederick Buldrini, Violin - Yoko Ono Lennon, Producer - Eddie Klein, Engineer - Joseph Malignaggi, Violin - Peter Buonconsiglio, Violin - Stanley Karpienia, Violin - Julius Shachter, Violin - Theodore Isreal, Viola - Morris Gluckman, Other
℗ 2018 Calderstone Productions Limited (a division of Universal Music Group)
David Nadien, Violin - Paul Gershman, Violin - George Ricci, Cello - Jack Lesberg, BassGuitar - Torrie Zito, Conductor, Piano - John Beal, BassGuitar - JIM GORDON, Tambourine, DrumKit - Charles McCracken, Cello - George Duvivier, BassGuitar - King Curtis, Saxophone - John Lennon, Producer, Piano, Vocalist, MainArtist, ComposerLyricist, ElectricGuitar - Gavin Lurssen, MasteringEngineer - PHIL SPECTOR, Producer - Kermit Moore, Cello - Jack Douglas, Engineer - Emanuel Vardi, Viola - John Pintavalle, Violin - Matthew Raimondi, Violin - Paul Hicks, Engineer, MasteringEngineer, MixingEngineer - Eddy Offord, Engineer - Shelly Yakus, Engineer - Yoko Ono, Producer - Klaus Voormann, BassGuitar - Roy Cicala, Engineer - Alfred Brown, Viola - Emanuel Green, Violin - Harry Glickman, Violin - Leo Kahn, Violin - Harold Coletta, Viola - Reuben Cohen, MasteringEngineer - Aaron Rosand, Violin - Raoul Poliakin, Violin - Anthony Sophos, Cello - Harry Katzman, Violin - Julius Brand, Violin - Ben Ginsberg, Other - Frederick Buldrini, Violin - Yoko Ono Lennon, Producer - Joseph Malignaggi, Violin - Peter Buonconsiglio, Violin - Stanley Karpienia, Violin - Julius Shachter, Violin - Theodore Isreal, Viola - Morris Gluckman, Other
℗ 2018 Calderstone Productions Limited (a division of Universal Music Group)
Nicky Hopkins, Piano - Jim Keltner, DrumKit - King Curtis, Saxophone - John Lennon, Producer, Vocalist, MainArtist, ComposerLyricist, ElectricGuitar - Gavin Lurssen, MasteringEngineer - GEORGE HARRISON, SlideGuitar - PHIL SPECTOR, Producer - Jack Douglas, Engineer - Joey Molland, AcousticGuitar - Tom Evans, AcousticGuitar - Paul Hicks, Engineer, MasteringEngineer, MixingEngineer - Shelly Yakus, Engineer - Yoko Ono, Producer - Phil McDonald, Engineer - Klaus Voormann, BassGuitar - Roy Cicala, Engineer - John Barham, Piano - MIKE PINDER, Tambourine - Reuben Cohen, MasteringEngineer - Yoko Ono Lennon, Producer - Eddie Klein, Engineer
℗ 2018 Calderstone Productions Limited (a division of Universal Music Group)
Nicky Hopkins, Piano - John Lennon, Producer, Vocalist, MainArtist, ComposerLyricist, ElectricGuitar - Gavin Lurssen, MasteringEngineer - GEORGE HARRISON, SlideGuitar - PHIL SPECTOR, Producer - Jack Douglas, Engineer - Alan White, DrumKit - Paul Hicks, Engineer, MasteringEngineer, MixingEngineer - Shelly Yakus, Engineer - Yoko Ono, Producer - Phil McDonald, Engineer - Klaus Voormann, BassGuitar - Roy Cicala, Engineer - John Barham, Piano - Reuben Cohen, MasteringEngineer - Rod Lynton, AcousticGuitar - Andy Davis, AcousticGuitar - Yoko Ono Lennon, Producer - Eddie Klein, Engineer
℗ 2018 Calderstone Productions Limited (a division of Universal Music Group)
Nicky Hopkins, Piano - John Lennon, Producer, Piano, Vocalist, MainArtist, ComposerLyricist - Gavin Lurssen, MasteringEngineer - GEORGE HARRISON, ElectricGuitar - PHIL SPECTOR, Producer - Jack Douglas, Engineer - Alan White, Cymbals - Paul Hicks, Engineer, MasteringEngineer, MixingEngineer - Shelly Yakus, Engineer - Yoko Ono, Producer, ComposerLyricist - Phil McDonald, Engineer - Klaus Voormann, BassGuitar - Roy Cicala, Engineer - Reuben Cohen, MasteringEngineer - Yoko Ono Lennon, Producer - Eddie Klein, Engineer
℗ 2018 Calderstone Productions Limited (a division of Universal Music Group)
David Nadien, Violin - Nicky Hopkins, Piano - Paul Gershman, Violin - George Ricci, Cello - Jack Lesberg, BassGuitar - Torrie Zito, Conductor, Piano - John Beal, BassGuitar - Charles McCracken, Cello - George Duvivier, BassGuitar - John Lennon, Producer, Vocalist, MainArtist, ComposerLyricist, ElectricGuitar - Gavin Lurssen, MasteringEngineer - GEORGE HARRISON, SlideGuitar - PHIL SPECTOR, Producer - Kermit Moore, Cello - Jack Douglas, Engineer - Alan White, DrumKit - Emanuel Vardi, Viola - John Pintavalle, Violin - Matthew Raimondi, Violin - Paul Hicks, Engineer, MasteringEngineer, MixingEngineer - Shelly Yakus, Engineer - Yoko Ono, Producer - Phil McDonald, Engineer - Klaus Voormann, BassGuitar - Roy Cicala, Engineer - Alfred Brown, Viola - Emanuel Green, Violin - Harry Glickman, Violin - Leo Kahn, Violin - Harold Coletta, Viola - Reuben Cohen, MasteringEngineer - Aaron Rosand, Violin - Raoul Poliakin, Violin - Anthony Sophos, Cello - Harry Katzman, Violin - Julius Brand, Violin - Ben Ginsberg, Other - Frederick Buldrini, Violin - Yoko Ono Lennon, Producer - Eddie Klein, Engineer - Joseph Malignaggi, Violin - Peter Buonconsiglio, Violin - Stanley Karpienia, Violin - Julius Shachter, Violin - Theodore Isreal, Viola - Morris Gluckman, Other
℗ 2018 Calderstone Productions Limited (a division of Universal Music Group)
David Nadien, Violin - Nicky Hopkins, Piano - Paul Gershman, Violin - George Ricci, Cello - Jack Lesberg, BassGuitar - Torrie Zito, Conductor, Piano - John Beal, BassGuitar - Charles McCracken, Cello - George Duvivier, BassGuitar - John Lennon, Producer, Piano, Vocalist, MainArtist, ComposerLyricist - Gavin Lurssen, MasteringEngineer - PHIL SPECTOR, Producer - Kermit Moore, Cello - Jack Douglas, Engineer - Alan White, DrumKit - Emanuel Vardi, Viola - John Pintavalle, Violin - Matthew Raimondi, Violin - Paul Hicks, Engineer, MasteringEngineer, MixingEngineer - Shelly Yakus, Engineer - Yoko Ono, Producer, ComposerLyricist - Phil McDonald, Engineer - Klaus Voormann, BassGuitar - Roy Cicala, Engineer - Alfred Brown, Viola - Emanuel Green, Violin - Harry Glickman, Violin - Leo Kahn, Violin - Harold Coletta, Viola - Reuben Cohen, MasteringEngineer - Aaron Rosand, Violin - Raoul Poliakin, Violin - Anthony Sophos, Cello - Harry Katzman, Violin - Julius Brand, Violin - Ben Ginsberg, Other - Frederick Buldrini, Violin - Yoko Ono Lennon, Producer - Eddie Klein, Engineer - Joseph Malignaggi, Violin - Peter Buonconsiglio, Violin - Stanley Karpienia, Violin - Julius Shachter, Violin - Theodore Isreal, Viola - Morris Gluckman, Other
℗ 2018 Calderstone Productions Limited (a division of Universal Music Group)
Nicky Hopkins, Piano - John Lennon, Composer, Lyricist, Producer, Harmonica, Vocalist, MainArtist, BackgroundVocalist, AcousticGuitar - Gavin Lurssen, MasteringEngineer - PHIL SPECTOR, Producer, BackgroundVocalist - Jack Douglas, Engineer - Alan White, DrumKit - Paul Hicks, Engineer, MasteringEngineer, MixingEngineer - Shelly Yakus, Engineer - Yoko Ono, Producer - Phil McDonald, Engineer - Klaus Voormann, BassGuitar - Roy Cicala, Engineer - Reuben Cohen, MasteringEngineer - Rod Lynton, AcousticGuitar - Andy Davis, AcousticGuitar - Yoko Ono Lennon, Producer - Eddie Klein, Engineer
℗ 2018 Calderstone Productions Limited (a division of Universal Music Group)
Rosetta Hightower, BackgroundVocalist - JIM GORDON, DrumKit - John Lennon, Producer, Piano, Vocalist, MainArtist, ComposerLyricist - Gavin Lurssen, MasteringEngineer - PHIL SPECTOR, Producer - Paul Hicks, Engineer, MasteringEngineer, MixingEngineer - Yoko Ono, Producer - Phil McDonald, Engineer - Klaus Voormann, BassGuitar - Bobby Keys, Saxophone - Reuben Cohen, MasteringEngineer - Yoko Ono Lennon, Producer - Eddie Klein, Engineer
℗ 2018 Calderstone Productions Limited (a division of Universal Music Group)
Jim Keltner, Percussion - JIM GORDON, DrumKit - John Lennon, Producer, Guitar, Vocalist, MainArtist - Gavin Lurssen, MasteringEngineer - Paul Hicks, Engineer, MasteringEngineer, MixingEngineer - Yoko Ono, Producer - Klaus Voormann, BassGuitar - Ken Scott, Engineer - Bobby Keys, Saxophone - Reuben Cohen, MasteringEngineer - Walter Ward, ComposerLyricist - Yoko Ono Lennon, Producer
℗ 2018 Yoko Ono Lennon
Nicky Hopkins, Piano - Jim Keltner, DrumKit - John Lennon, Producer, MainArtist, ComposerLyricist, ElectricGuitar - Gavin Lurssen, MasteringEngineer - PHIL SPECTOR, Producer - MAL EVANS, Producer - Jim Horn, BaritoneSaxophone - Paul Hicks, Engineer, MasteringEngineer, MixingEngineer - Yoko Ono, Producer, ComposerLyricist - Phil McDonald, Engineer - Klaus Voormann, BassGuitar - Bill Elliott, Vocalist - Bobby Keys, Saxophone - Reuben Cohen, MasteringEngineer - Yoko Ono Lennon, Producer - Eddie Klein, Engineer
℗ 2018 Apple Corps Ltd
Nicky Hopkins, Piano - Jim Keltner, DrumKit - John Lennon, Producer, Vocalist, MainArtist, ComposerLyricist, ElectricGuitar - Gavin Lurssen, MasteringEngineer - PHIL SPECTOR, Producer - Jim Horn, BaritoneSaxophone - Paul Hicks, Engineer, MasteringEngineer, MixingEngineer - Yoko Ono, Producer, Vocalist, ComposerLyricist - Phil McDonald, Engineer - Klaus Voormann, BassGuitar - Bobby Keys, Saxophone - Reuben Cohen, MasteringEngineer - Yoko Ono Lennon, Producer - Eddie Klein, Engineer
℗ 2018 Yoko Ono Lennon
Nicky Hopkins, Piano - John Lennon, Producer, Vocalist, MainArtist, ComposerLyricist, ElectricGuitar - Gavin Lurssen, MasteringEngineer - PHIL SPECTOR, Producer - MAL EVANS, Producer - Jim Horn, BaritoneSaxophone - Paul Hicks, Engineer, MasteringEngineer, MixingEngineer - Yoko Ono, Producer, ComposerLyricist - Phil McDonald, Engineer - Klaus Voormann, BassGuitar - Bobby Keys, Saxophone - Reuben Cohen, MasteringEngineer - Yoko Ono Lennon, Producer - Eddie Klein, Engineer
℗ 2018 Capitol Records, LLC
Nicky Hopkins, Chimes, Glockenspiel, Piano - Jim Keltner, Bells, DrumKit - Hugh McCracken, AcousticGuitar - John Lennon, Producer, Vocalist, MainArtist, ComposerLyricist, AcousticGuitar - Gavin Lurssen, MasteringEngineer - PHIL SPECTOR, Producer - Jack Douglas, Engineer - Stuart Scharf, AcousticGuitar - Paul Hicks, Engineer, MasteringEngineer, MixingEngineer - Shelly Yakus, Engineer - Yoko Ono, Producer, Vocalist, MainArtist, ComposerLyricist - The Flux Fiddlers, Strings - Roy Cicala, Engineer - The Harlem Community Choir, Vocalist - Teddy Irwin, AcousticGuitar - Reuben Cohen, MasteringEngineer - Yoko Ono Lennon, Producer - Chris Osbourne, AcousticGuitar
℗ 2018 Calderstone Productions Limited (a division of Universal Music Group)
John Lennon, Producer, MainArtist, ComposerLyricist - Gavin Lurssen, MasteringEngineer - PHIL SPECTOR, Producer - Jack Douglas, Engineer - Paul Hicks, MasteringEngineer, MixingEngineer - Shelly Yakus, Engineer - Yoko Ono, Producer, ComposerLyricist - The Flux Fiddlers, Strings - Roy Cicala, Engineer - Reuben Cohen, MasteringEngineer - Yoko Ono Lennon, Producer
℗ 2018 Calderstone Productions Limited (a division of Universal Music Group)
Nicky Hopkins, Piano - Jim Keltner, DrumKit - John Lennon, Producer, MainArtist, ComposerLyricist - Gavin Lurssen, MasteringEngineer - PHIL SPECTOR, Producer - Paul Hicks, MasteringEngineer, MixingEngineer - Yoko Ono, Producer - Phil McDonald, Engineer - Klaus Voormann, BassGuitar - Reuben Cohen, MasteringEngineer - Yoko Ono Lennon, Producer - Eddie Klein, Engineer
℗ 2018 Calderstone Productions Limited (a division of Universal Music Group)
John Lennon, Producer, Vocalist, MainArtist, ComposerLyricist - Gavin Lurssen, MasteringEngineer - PHIL SPECTOR, Producer - Paul Hicks, MasteringEngineer, MixingEngineer - Yoko Ono, Producer, ComposerLyricist - Phil McDonald, Engineer - Reuben Cohen, MasteringEngineer - Yoko Ono Lennon, Producer - Eddie Klein, Engineer
℗ 2018 Calderstone Productions Limited (a division of Universal Music Group)
John Lennon, Producer, MainArtist, ComposerLyricist - Gavin Lurssen, MasteringEngineer - PHIL SPECTOR, Producer - Jack Douglas, Engineer - Paul Hicks, MasteringEngineer, MixingEngineer - Shelly Yakus, Engineer - Yoko Ono, Producer, ComposerLyricist - The Flux Fiddlers, Strings - Roy Cicala, Engineer - Reuben Cohen, MasteringEngineer - Yoko Ono Lennon, Producer
℗ 2018 Calderstone Productions Limited (a division of Universal Music Group)
John Lennon, Producer, Piano, Vocalist, MainArtist, ComposerLyricist - Gavin Lurssen, MasteringEngineer - Paul Hicks, Engineer, MasteringEngineer, MixingEngineer - Yoko Ono, ComposerLyricist - Phil McDonald, Engineer - Reuben Cohen, MasteringEngineer - Yoko Ono Lennon, Producer - Eddie Klein, Engineer
℗ 2018 Calderstone Productions Limited (a division of Universal Music Group)
Nicky Hopkins, Piano - John Lennon, Producer, Piano, Vocalist, MainArtist, ComposerLyricist - Gavin Lurssen, MasteringEngineer - PHIL SPECTOR, Producer - Alan White, DrumKit - Paul Hicks, Engineer, MasteringEngineer, MixingEngineer - Yoko Ono, Producer, ComposerLyricist - Phil McDonald, Engineer - Klaus Voormann, BassGuitar - John Barham, PumpOrgan - John Tout, Vibraphone - Reuben Cohen, MasteringEngineer - Yoko Ono Lennon, Producer - Eddie Klein, Engineer
℗ 2018 Calderstone Productions Limited (a division of Universal Music Group)
Nicky Hopkins, Piano - John Lennon, Producer, Vocalist, MainArtist, ComposerLyricist, ElectricGuitar - Gavin Lurssen, MasteringEngineer - GEORGE HARRISON, DobroGuitar - PHIL SPECTOR, Producer - Alan White, DrumKit - Paul Hicks, Engineer, MasteringEngineer, MixingEngineer - Yoko Ono, Producer - Phil McDonald, Engineer - Klaus Voormann, UprightBass - Steve Brendell, UprightBass - Ted Turner, AcousticGuitar - Reuben Cohen, MasteringEngineer - Rod Lynton, AcousticGuitar - Yoko Ono Lennon, Producer - Eddie Klein, Engineer
℗ 2018 Calderstone Productions Limited (a division of Universal Music Group)
Nicky Hopkins, Piano - John Lennon, Producer, Vocalist, MainArtist, ComposerLyricist, ElectricGuitar - Gavin Lurssen, MasteringEngineer - GEORGE HARRISON, DobroGuitar - PHIL SPECTOR, Producer - Alan White, DrumKit - Paul Hicks, Engineer, MasteringEngineer, MixingEngineer - Yoko Ono, Producer - Phil McDonald, Engineer - Klaus Voormann, UprightBass - Steve Brendell, UprightBass - Ted Turner, AcousticGuitar - Reuben Cohen, MasteringEngineer - Rod Lynton, AcousticGuitar - Yoko Ono Lennon, Producer - Eddie Klein, Engineer
℗ 2018 Calderstone Productions Limited (a division of Universal Music Group)
Nicky Hopkins, Piano - Jim Keltner, DrumKit - John Lennon, Producer, Vocalist, MainArtist, ComposerLyricist, AcousticGuitar - Gavin Lurssen, MasteringEngineer - PHIL SPECTOR, Producer - Alan White, Vibraphone - Paul Hicks, Engineer, MasteringEngineer, MixingEngineer - Yoko Ono, Producer - Phil McDonald, Engineer - Klaus Voormann, BassGuitar - John Barham, PumpOrgan - Reuben Cohen, MasteringEngineer - Yoko Ono Lennon, Producer - Eddie Klein, Engineer
℗ 2018 Calderstone Productions Limited (a division of Universal Music Group)
JIM GORDON, DrumKit - John Lennon, Producer, Vocalist, MainArtist, ComposerLyricist, ElectricGuitar - Gavin Lurssen, MasteringEngineer - PHIL SPECTOR, Producer - Paul Hicks, Engineer, MasteringEngineer, MixingEngineer - Eddy Offord, Engineer - Yoko Ono, Producer - Klaus Voormann, BassGuitar - Reuben Cohen, MasteringEngineer - Yoko Ono Lennon, Producer
℗ 2018 Calderstone Productions Limited (a division of Universal Music Group)
JIM GORDON, DrumKit - John Lennon, Producer, Vocalist, MainArtist, ComposerLyricist, ElectricGuitar - Gavin Lurssen, MasteringEngineer - PHIL SPECTOR, Producer - Paul Hicks, Engineer, MasteringEngineer, MixingEngineer - Yoko Ono, Producer - Phil McDonald, Engineer - Klaus Voormann, BassGuitar - Bobby Keys, Saxophone - Reuben Cohen, MasteringEngineer - Yoko Ono Lennon, Producer - Eddie Klein, Engineer
℗ 2018 Calderstone Productions Limited (a division of Universal Music Group)
John Lennon, MainArtist, ComposerLyricist - Paul Hicks, RemixingEngineer - Yoko Ono Lennon, SoundSupervisor
℗ 2018 Calderstone Productions Limited (a division of Universal Music Group)
Nicky Hopkins, Piano - John Lennon, Producer, Piano, Vocalist, MainArtist, ComposerLyricist - Gavin Lurssen, MasteringEngineer - GEORGE HARRISON, ElectricGuitar - PHIL SPECTOR, Producer - Paul Hicks, Engineer, MasteringEngineer, MixingEngineer - Yoko Ono, Producer, ComposerLyricist - Phil McDonald, Engineer - Klaus Voormann, BassGuitar - Reuben Cohen, MasteringEngineer - Yoko Ono Lennon, Producer - Eddie Klein, Engineer
℗ 2018 Calderstone Productions Limited (a division of Universal Music Group)
Nicky Hopkins, Piano - John Lennon, Producer, Vocalist, MainArtist, ComposerLyricist, AcousticGuitar - Gavin Lurssen, MasteringEngineer - GEORGE HARRISON, SlideGuitar - PHIL SPECTOR, Producer - Alan White, DrumKit - Paul Hicks, Engineer, MasteringEngineer, MixingEngineer - Yoko Ono, Producer - Phil McDonald, Engineer - Klaus Voormann, BassGuitar - Ted Turner, AcousticGuitar - John Tout, Piano - Reuben Cohen, MasteringEngineer - Rod Lynton, AcousticGuitar - Yoko Ono Lennon, Producer - Eddie Klein, Engineer
℗ 2018 Calderstone Productions Limited (a division of Universal Music Group)
Nicky Hopkins, Piano - John Lennon, Producer, Piano, Vocalist, MainArtist, ComposerLyricist - Gavin Lurssen, MasteringEngineer - PHIL SPECTOR, Producer - Alan White, DrumKit - Paul Hicks, Engineer, MasteringEngineer, MixingEngineer - Yoko Ono, Producer, ComposerLyricist - The Flux Fiddlers, Strings - Phil McDonald, Engineer - Klaus Voormann, BassGuitar - John Tout, Vibraphone - Reuben Cohen, MasteringEngineer - Rod Lynton, AcousticGuitar - Andy Davis, AcousticGuitar - Yoko Ono Lennon, Producer - Eddie Klein, Engineer
℗ 2018 Calderstone Productions Limited (a division of Universal Music Group)
John Lennon, Composer, Lyricist, Producer, Vocalist, MainArtist, AcousticGuitar - Gavin Lurssen, MasteringEngineer - Paul Hicks, Engineer, MasteringEngineer, MixingEngineer - Yoko Ono, Producer, Vocalist, MainArtist - Reuben Cohen, MasteringEngineer - Yoko Ono Lennon, Producer - Mike Lax, RecordingEngineer
℗ 2018 Yoko Ono Lennon
JIM GORDON, DrumKit - John Lennon, Producer, Piano, Vocalist, MainArtist, ComposerLyricist - Gavin Lurssen, MasteringEngineer - PHIL SPECTOR, Producer - Paul Hicks, Engineer, MasteringEngineer, MixingEngineer - Yoko Ono, Producer - Phil McDonald, Engineer - Klaus Voormann, BassVocalist - Bobby Keys, Saxophone - Reuben Cohen, MasteringEngineer - Yoko Ono Lennon, Producer - Eddie Klein, Engineer
℗ 2018 Calderstone Productions Limited (a division of Universal Music Group)
John Lennon, Producer, Vocalist, MainArtist, ComposerLyricist, AcousticGuitar - Gavin Lurssen, MasteringEngineer - Paul Hicks, Engineer, MasteringEngineer, MixingEngineer - Yoko Ono, ComposerLyricist - Steve Brendell, Congas - Reuben Cohen, MasteringEngineer - Yoko Ono Lennon, Producer - Dan Richter, Engineer
℗ 2018 Calderstone Productions Limited (a division of Universal Music Group)
Nicky Hopkins, Piano - Jim Keltner, DrumKit - John Lennon, MainArtist, ComposerLyricist, ElectricGuitar - Gavin Lurssen, MasteringEngineer - Jim Horn, BaritoneSaxophone - Paul Hicks, Engineer, MasteringEngineer, MixingEngineer - Yoko Ono, Vocalist, ComposerLyricist - Klaus Voormann, BassGuitar - Bobby Keys, Saxophone - Reuben Cohen, MasteringEngineer - Michael Ramsden, Vocalist - Yoko Ono Lennon, Producer
℗ 2018 Calderstone Productions Limited (a division of Universal Music Group)
Nicky Hopkins, Chimes, Glockenspiel, Piano - Jim Keltner, Bells, DrumKit - Hugh McCracken, AcousticGuitar - John Lennon, Producer, Vocalist, MainArtist, ComposerLyricist, AcousticGuitar - Gavin Lurssen, MasteringEngineer - PHIL SPECTOR, Producer - Jack Douglas, Engineer - Stuart Scharf, AcousticGuitar - Paul Hicks, Engineer, MasteringEngineer, MixingEngineer - Shelly Yakus, Engineer - Yoko Ono, Producer, Vocalist, MainArtist, ComposerLyricist - The Flux Fiddlers, Strings - Roy Cicala, Engineer - The Harlem Community Choir, Vocalist - Teddy Irwin, AcousticGuitar - Reuben Cohen, MasteringEngineer - Yoko Ono Lennon, Producer - Chris Osbourne, AcousticGuitar
℗ 2018 Calderstone Productions Limited (a division of Universal Music Group)
Ryan Smith, MasteringEngineer - John Lennon, Producer, Piano, Vocalist, MainArtist, ComposerLyricist - PHIL SPECTOR, Producer - Alan White, DrumKit - Yoko Ono, Producer, ComposerLyricist - Phil McDonald, Engineer - Klaus Voormann, BassGuitar - Rob Stevens, MixingEngineer - Yoko Ono Lennon, Producer - Eddie Klein, Engineer - Paul Goodrich, MixingEngineer
℗ 2018 Calderstone Productions Limited (a division of Universal Music Group)
Nicky Hopkins, Piano - Ryan Smith, MasteringEngineer - John Lennon, Producer, Vocalist, MainArtist, ComposerLyricist, ElectricGuitar - GEORGE HARRISON, DobroGuitar - PHIL SPECTOR, Producer - Alan White, DrumKit - Yoko Ono, Producer - Phil McDonald, Engineer - Klaus Voormann, UprightBass - Steve Brendell, UprightBass - Rob Stevens, MixingEngineer - Ted Turner, AcousticGuitar - Rod Lynton, AcousticGuitar - Yoko Ono Lennon, Producer - Eddie Klein, Engineer - Paul Goodrich, MixingEngineer
℗ 2018 Calderstone Productions Limited (a division of Universal Music Group)
Nicky Hopkins, Piano - Ryan Smith, MasteringEngineer - Jim Keltner, DrumKit - John Lennon, Producer, Vocalist, MainArtist, ComposerLyricist, AcousticGuitar - PHIL SPECTOR, Producer - Alan White, Vibraphone - Yoko Ono, Producer - Phil McDonald, Engineer - Klaus Voormann, BassGuitar - John Barham, PumpOrgan - Rob Stevens, MixingEngineer - Yoko Ono Lennon, Producer - Eddie Klein, Engineer - Paul Goodrich, MixingEngineer
℗ 2018 Calderstone Productions Limited (a division of Universal Music Group)
Ryan Smith, MasteringEngineer - JIM GORDON, DrumKit - John Lennon, Producer, Guitar, Vocalist, MainArtist, ComposerLyricist - PHIL SPECTOR, Producer - Eddy Offord, Engineer - Yoko Ono, Producer - Klaus Voormann, BassGuitar - Rob Stevens, MixingEngineer - Yoko Ono Lennon, Producer - Paul Goodrich, MixingEngineer
℗ 2018 Calderstone Productions Limited (a division of Universal Music Group)
Nicky Hopkins, Piano - Ryan Smith, MasteringEngineer - Jim Keltner, DrumKit - John Lennon, Producer, Vocalist, MainArtist, ComposerLyricist, ElectricGuitar - GEORGE HARRISON, SlideGuitar - PHIL SPECTOR, Producer - Tommy Evans, AcousticGuitar - Joey Molland, AcousticGuitar - Yoko Ono, Producer - Phil McDonald, Engineer - Klaus Voormann, BassGuitar - John Barham, Piano - MIKE PINDER, Tambourine - Rob Stevens, MixingEngineer - Yoko Ono Lennon, Producer - Eddie Klein, Engineer - Paul Goodrich, MixingEngineer
℗ 2018 Calderstone Productions Limited (a division of Universal Music Group)
Nicky Hopkins, Piano - Ryan Smith, MasteringEngineer - John Lennon, Producer, Vocalist, MainArtist, ComposerLyricist, ElectricGuitar - GEORGE HARRISON, SlideGuitar - PHIL SPECTOR, Producer - Alan White, DrumKit - Yoko Ono, Producer - Phil McDonald, Engineer - Klaus Voormann, BassGuitar - John Barham, Piano - Rob Stevens, MixingEngineer - Rod Lynton, AcousticGuitar - Andy Davis, AcousticGuitar - Yoko Ono Lennon, Producer - Eddie Klein, Engineer - Paul Goodrich, MixingEngineer
℗ 2018 Calderstone Productions Limited (a division of Universal Music Group)
Nicky Hopkins, Piano - Ryan Smith, MasteringEngineer - John Lennon, Producer, Piano, Vocalist, MainArtist, ComposerLyricist - GEORGE HARRISON, ElectricGuitar - PHIL SPECTOR, Producer - Yoko Ono, Producer, ComposerLyricist - Phil McDonald, Engineer - Klaus Voormann, BassGuitar - Rob Stevens, MixingEngineer - Yoko Ono Lennon, Producer - Eddie Klein, Engineer - Paul Goodrich, MixingEngineer
℗ 2018 Calderstone Productions Limited (a division of Universal Music Group)
Nicky Hopkins, Piano - Ryan Smith, MasteringEngineer - John Lennon, Producer, Vocalist, MainArtist, ComposerLyricist, ElectricGuitar - GEORGE HARRISON, SlideGuitar - PHIL SPECTOR, Producer - Alan White, DrumKit - Yoko Ono, Producer - Phil McDonald, Engineer - Klaus Voormann, BassGuitar - Rob Stevens, MixingEngineer - Yoko Ono Lennon, Producer - Eddie Klein, Engineer - Paul Goodrich, MixingEngineer
℗ 2018 Calderstone Productions Limited (a division of Universal Music Group)
Nicky Hopkins, Piano - Ryan Smith, MasteringEngineer - John Lennon, Producer, Piano, Vocalist, MainArtist, ComposerLyricist - PHIL SPECTOR, Producer - Alan White, DrumKit - Yoko Ono, Producer, ComposerLyricist - Phil McDonald, Engineer - Klaus Voormann, BassGuitar - Rob Stevens, MixingEngineer - Yoko Ono Lennon, Producer - Eddie Klein, Engineer - Paul Goodrich, MixingEngineer
℗ 2018 Calderstone Productions Limited (a division of Universal Music Group)
Nicky Hopkins, Piano - Ryan Smith, MasteringEngineer - John Lennon, Composer, Lyricist, Producer, Harmonica, Vocalist, MainArtist, AcousticGuitar - PHIL SPECTOR, Producer - Alan White, DrumKit - Yoko Ono, Producer - Phil McDonald, Engineer - Klaus Voormann, BassGuitar - Rob Stevens, MixingEngineer - Rod Lynton, AcousticGuitar - Andy Davis, AcousticGuitar - Yoko Ono Lennon, Producer - Eddie Klein, Engineer - Paul Goodrich, MixingEngineer
℗ 2018 Calderstone Productions Limited (a division of Universal Music Group)
Nicky Hopkins, Piano - Ryan Smith, MasteringEngineer - John Lennon, Producer, Piano, Vocalist, MainArtist, ComposerLyricist - PHIL SPECTOR, Producer - Alan White, DrumKit - Yoko Ono, Producer, ComposerLyricist - Phil McDonald, Engineer - Klaus Voormann, BassGuitar - John Barham, PumpOrgan - Rob Stevens, MixingEngineer - John Tout, Vibraphone - Yoko Ono Lennon, Producer - Eddie Klein, Engineer - Paul Goodrich, MixingEngineer
℗ 2018 Calderstone Productions Limited (a division of Universal Music Group)
Nicky Hopkins, Piano - Ryan Smith, MasteringEngineer - Jim Keltner, DrumKit - John Lennon, Producer, Vocalist, MainArtist, ComposerLyricist, AcousticGuitar - PHIL SPECTOR, Producer - Alan White, Vibraphone - Yoko Ono, Producer - Phil McDonald, Engineer - Klaus Voormann, BassGuitar - John Barham, PumpOrgan - Rob Stevens, MixingEngineer - Yoko Ono Lennon, Producer - Eddie Klein, Engineer - Paul Goodrich, MixingEngineer
℗ 2023 Calderstone Productions Limited (a division of Universal Music Group)
Ryan Smith, MasteringEngineer - Jim Keltner, Percussion - JIM GORDON, DrumKit - John Lennon, Producer, Vocalist, MainArtist, ComposerLyricist, ElectricGuitar - PHIL SPECTOR, Producer - Yoko Ono, Producer - Phil McDonald, Engineer - Klaus Voormann, BassGuitar - Rob Stevens, MixingEngineer - Yoko Ono Lennon, Producer - Eddie Klein, Engineer - Paul Goodrich, MixingEngineer
℗ 2018 Calderstone Productions Limited (a division of Universal Music Group)
Ryan Smith, MasteringEngineer - John Lennon, Producer, Vocalist, MainArtist, ComposerLyricist, ElectricGuitar - GEORGE HARRISON, SlideGuitar - PHIL SPECTOR, Producer - Alan White, DrumKit - Yoko Ono, Producer - Phil McDonald, Engineer - Klaus Voormann, BassGuitar - Rob Stevens, MixingEngineer - Ted Turner, AcousticGuitar - John Tout, Piano - Rod Lynton, AcousticGuitar - Yoko Ono Lennon, Producer - Eddie Klein, Engineer - Paul Goodrich, MixingEngineer
℗ 2018 Calderstone Productions Limited (a division of Universal Music Group)
Album review
Some Ultimate Collection’s can feel like a rip-off. But John Lennon’s Imagine avoids this pitfall by including many treasures, spread over four discs. This 2018 edition is organised like a journey, taking the listener from the writing process to the demo recording sessions in the former Beatle’s private studio at his home in Tittenhurst Park, near Ascot, and then to the final stages of production with crazy Phil Spector. The whole was remixed by Paul Hicks under Yoko Ono’s supervision, in the Abbey Road studios, using high definition 24/96 audio transfers from the first generation of multitrack tapes. These new mixes unveil a previously unheard sonic depth and impressive definition and clarity. The first CD features the remixed original album, the singles and B-sides. The second consists of all the outtakes and extras. The third includes the the raw studio recordings. And finally, the fourth tells the story of each song, from the demo to the final version, through a sort of audio documentary that dissects the whole album…
It is fascinating to hear some of parts in isolation like the chords, the piano, or the vocals… But this generous Ultimate Collection shouldn’t draw your attention away from the essential part of it: the original album, released in September 1971. John Lennon’s post-Beatles phase was off to a flying start with an brilliant first solo attempt created with Yoko (John Lennon/Plastic Ono Band). The standard remained high on this Imagine album, with the eponymous single acquiring a legendary status (understatement) and becoming a timeless anthem of peace. Surrounded by the likes of George Harrison, Nicky Hopkins, Klaus Voormann, Alan White and Jim Keltner, the man with the spectacles from Liverpool once again shows he can do it all: moving and introspective ballads, (Jealous Guy), highly poetic lyrics, pop dreams, as well as mad rock’n’roll (It’s So Hard, I Don’t Wanna Be A Soldier, Gimme Some Truth). The shock of the album comes when Lennon openly attacks his ex-comrade Paul McCartney on How Do You Sleep. All of this was produced by the mad scientist of sound, Phil Spector, who gives the album a unique quality that would go on to influence many other albums… © Marc Zisman/Qobuz
About the album
- 4 disc(s) - 61 track(s)
- Total length: 04:31:24
- Main artists: John Lennon
- Composer: Various Composers
- Label: UMC (Universal Music Catalogue)
- Genre: Pop/Rock Rock
© 2018 Calderstone Productions Limited (a division of Universal Music Group) / Yoko Ono Lennon This Compilation ℗ 2018 Calderstone Productions Limited (a division of Universal Music Group) / Yoko Ono Lennon
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