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Six years after Helplessness Blues, the Fleet Foxes have emerged from their burrow. These past six years don't seem to have deeply changed the DNA of this group of brilliant folk musicians from Seattle, or their obsession with vocal harmonies. With Crack-Up, Robin Pecknold (who voluntarily retired from the music world to return to university) seems to have no metaphysical problems in locating a point perfectly equidistant between Crosby Stills Nash & Young and the Beach Boys. Wreathed its habitual and almost-mystical halo of reverb, the Fleet Foxes' third album brings together the ample blessings of a Brian Wilson production job with a subtle use of harmonics that hasn't been heard since David Crosby recorded the wild If I Could Only Remember My Name sometime last century. Part way between bucolic ballad and semi-baroque flight of fancy, this luxuriantly-arranged folk music makes Crack-Up an inspired and impressive record. © MD/Qobuz
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Robin Pecknold, Producer, Drums, Guitar, Acoustic Guitar, Piano, Vocals, Classical Guitar, Fender Bass, Mini Moog, Loops, Mellotron, Miscellaneous - Greg Calbi, MasteringEngineer - Beatriz Artola, Engineer - Chris Allen, Engineer - PHIL EK, Mixer - Matthew Barrick, Percussion, Kat Drums - Dave Eggar, Cello - Fleet Foxes, MainArtist - Jeremy Kittel, Violin - Christian Wargo, Vocals, Bass - Nicholas Cords, Viola - Grant Valentine, Engineer - Gabe Wax, Engineer - Gosha Usov, Engineer - Owen Mulholland, Engineer - Hannah Epperson, Violin - Casey Wescott, Bells, Castanets, Engineer, Piano, Programming, Miscellaneous - Morgan Henderson, Castanets, Cello, Bass Clarinet, Double Bass - Brian McPherson, Spoken Voice Vocals - Gabriel Gall, String Arranger, Writer - Neal Morgan, Kat Drums - Russell Durham, Violin - Skyler Skjelset, Producer, Electric Guitar - Jonathan Seale, Producer - Anita Purcell, ChorusMaster - Adam Burd, Engineer - Achievement First University Prep High School Chorus "Phoenix Forte", Chorus
© 2017 Fleet Foxes under exclusive license to Nonesuch Records Inc. ℗ 2017 Fleet Foxes, under exclusive license to Nonesuch Records Inc. for the United States and WEA International Inc. for the world outside of the United States.
Robin Pecknold, Producer, Drums, Guitar, Harpsichord, Hammond Organ, Writer, Classical Guitar, Mini Moog, Marimba, Autoharp, Loops - Greg Calbi, MasteringEngineer - Beatriz Artola, Engineer - Chris Allen, Engineer - PHIL EK, Mixer - Matthew Barrick, Drums, Percussion - Fleet Foxes, MainArtist - Grant Valentine, Engineer - Gabe Wax, Engineer - Gosha Usov, Engineer - Owen Mulholland, Engineer - Hannah Epperson, Violin - Casey Wescott, Drums, Engineer, Programming - Morgan Henderson, Clarinet, Flute - Skyler Skjelset, Producer, Electric Guitar, Programmer, Fender Bass, Synthesizer, Harmonica, Loops, Miscellaneous - Robin Pecknold, Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar, Percussion, Piano, Vocals, Fender Bass - Adam Burd, Engineer
© 2017 Fleet Foxes under exclusive license to Nonesuch Records Inc. ℗ 2017 Fleet Foxes, under exclusive license to Nonesuch Records Inc. for the United States and WEA International Inc. for the world outside of the United States.
Robin Pecknold, Producer, Writer, Classical Guitar, Miscellaneous - Greg Calbi, MasteringEngineer - Beatriz Artola, Engineer - Chris Allen, Engineer - PHIL EK, Mixer - Matthew Barrick, Drums - Fleet Foxes, MainArtist - Christian Wargo, Vocals - Grant Valentine, Engineer - Gabe Wax, Engineer - Gosha Usov, Engineer - Owen Mulholland, Engineer - Hannah Epperson, Violin - Casey Wescott, Engineer - Skyler Skjelset, Producer - Robin Pecknold, Electric Guitar, Percussion, Piano, Vocals, Fender Bass - Adam Burd, Engineer
© 2017 Fleet Foxes under exclusive license to Nonesuch Records Inc. ℗ 2017 Fleet Foxes, under exclusive license to Nonesuch Records Inc. for the United States and WEA International Inc. for the world outside of the United States.
Robin Pecknold, Producer, Guitar, Electric Guitar, Harpsichord, Piano, Vocals, Writer, Classical Guitar, Fender Bass, Marimba - Greg Calbi, MasteringEngineer - Beatriz Artola, Engineer - Chris Allen, Engineer - PHIL EK, Mixer - Fleet Foxes, MainArtist - Grant Valentine, Engineer - Gabe Wax, Engineer - Gosha Usov, Engineer - Owen Mulholland, Engineer - Casey Wescott, Engineer - Skyler Skjelset, Producer, Cymbals, Piano, Synthesizer, Programming, Shamisen - Adam Burd, Engineer
© 2017 Fleet Foxes under exclusive license to Nonesuch Records Inc. ℗ 2017 Fleet Foxes, under exclusive license to Nonesuch Records Inc. for the United States and WEA International Inc. for the world outside of the United States.
Robin Pecknold, Producer, Guitar, Writer - Greg Calbi, MasteringEngineer - Beatriz Artola, Engineer - Chris Allen, Engineer - PHIL EK, Mixer - Matthew Barrick, Drums, Percussion - Dave Eggar, Cello - Fleet Foxes, MainArtist - Jeremy Kittel, Violin - Nicholas Cords, Viola - Grant Valentine, Engineer - Gabe Wax, Engineer - Gosha Usov, Engineer - Owen Mulholland, Engineer - Hannah Epperson, Violin - Casey Wescott, Engineer, Koto - Gabriel Gall, String Arranger - Russell Durham, Violin - Skyler Skjelset, Producer, Electric Guitar, Percussion, Vocals, Synthesizer, Programming, Shamisen - Jonathan Seale, Producer - Robin Pecknold, Electric Guitar, Harpsichord, Hammond Organ, Percussion, Piano, Vocals, Classical Guitar, Fender Bass, Mini Moog, Autoharp - Adam Burd, Engineer
© 2017 Fleet Foxes under exclusive license to Nonesuch Records Inc. ℗ 2017 Fleet Foxes under exclusive license to Nonesuch Records Inc.
Robin Pecknold, Producer, Guitar, Writer, Classical Guitar - Greg Calbi, MasteringEngineer - Beatriz Artola, Engineer - Chris Allen, Engineer - PHIL EK, Mixer - Fleet Foxes, MainArtist - Grant Valentine, Engineer - Gabe Wax, Engineer - Gosha Usov, Engineer - Owen Mulholland, Engineer - Casey Wescott, Engineer - Skyler Skjelset, Producer, Piano, Programming, Miscellaneous - Robin Pecknold, Hammond Organ, Piano, Vocals, Fender Bass - Adam Burd, Engineer
© 2017 Fleet Foxes under exclusive license to Nonesuch Records Inc. ℗ 2017 Fleet Foxes, under exclusive license to Nonesuch Records Inc. for the United States and WEA International Inc. for the world outside of the United States.
Robin Pecknold, Producer, Guitar, Writer, Synthesizer - Greg Calbi, MasteringEngineer - Beatriz Artola, Engineer - Chris Allen, Engineer - PHIL EK, Mixer - Dave Eggar, Cello - Fleet Foxes, MainArtist - Jeremy Kittel, Violin - Christian Wargo, Bass - Nicholas Cords, Viola - Grant Valentine, Engineer - Gabe Wax, Engineer - Gosha Usov, Engineer - Owen Mulholland, Engineer - Casey Wescott, Castanets, Engineer, Harpsichord, Synthesizer, Programming - Morgan Henderson, Castanets, Double Bass - Gabriel Gall, String Arranger - Russell Durham, Violin - Skyler Skjelset, Producer, Drums, Noises - Andy Clausen, Arranger, Trombone - Christopher Icasiano, Drums, Percussion - Riley Mulherkar, Trumpet - Willem de Koch, Trombone - Zubin Hensler, Trumpet - Jonathan Seale, Producer - Robin Pecknold, Electric Guitar, Vocals, Fender Bass, Mini Moog - Adam Burd, Engineer
© 2017 Fleet Foxes under exclusive license to Nonesuch Records Inc. ℗ 2017 Fleet Foxes, under exclusive license to Nonesuch Records Inc. for the United States and WEA International Inc. for the world outside of the United States.
Robin Pecknold, Producer, Guitar, Writer, Classical Guitar, Miscellaneous - Greg Calbi, MasteringEngineer - Beatriz Artola, Engineer - Chris Allen, Engineer - PHIL EK, Mixer - Fleet Foxes, MainArtist - Grant Valentine, Engineer - Gabe Wax, Engineer - Gosha Usov, Engineer - Owen Mulholland, Engineer - Casey Wescott, Engineer - Morgan Henderson, Cello - Neal Morgan, Kat Drums - Skyler Skjelset, Producer, Mini Moog, Synthesizer, Footsteps - Andy Clausen, Arranger, Trombone - Christopher Icasiano, Drums, Percussion - Riley Mulherkar, Trumpet - Willem de Koch, Trombone - Zubin Hensler, Trumpet - Robin Pecknold, Electric Guitar, Harpsichord, Piano, Vocals, Fender Bass, Synthesizer, Mellotron, Footsteps - Adam Burd, Engineer
© 2017 Fleet Foxes under exclusive license to Nonesuch Records Inc. ℗ 2017 Fleet Foxes, under exclusive license to Nonesuch Records Inc. for the United States and WEA International Inc. for the world outside of the United States.
Robin Pecknold, Producer, Guitar, Writer, Classical Guitar - Greg Calbi, MasteringEngineer - Beatriz Artola, Engineer - Chris Allen, Engineer - PHIL EK, Mixer - Matthew Barrick, Drums, Percussion - Fleet Foxes, MainArtist - Grant Valentine, Engineer - Gabe Wax, Engineer - Gosha Usov, Engineer - Owen Mulholland, Engineer - Casey Wescott, Engineer - Skyler Skjelset, Producer, Vocals, Synthesizer, Miscellaneous - Robin Pecknold, Acoustic Guitar, Harpsichord, Piano, Vocals, Fender Bass, Mini Moog, Marimba, Autoharp - Adam Burd, Engineer
© 2017 Fleet Foxes under exclusive license to Nonesuch Records Inc. ℗ 2017 Fleet Foxes, under exclusive license to Nonesuch Records Inc. for the United States and WEA International Inc. for the world outside of the United States.
Robin Pecknold, Producer, Guitar, Percussion, Writer, Classical Guitar, Miscellaneous - Greg Calbi, MasteringEngineer - Beatriz Artola, Engineer - Chris Allen, Engineer - PHIL EK, Mixer - Dave Eggar, Cello - Fleet Foxes, MainArtist - Jeremy Kittel, Violin - Christian Wargo, Drums, Bass - Nicholas Cords, Viola - Grant Valentine, Engineer - Gabe Wax, Engineer - Gosha Usov, Engineer - Owen Mulholland, Engineer - Casey Wescott, Engineer - Morgan Henderson, Flute - Gabriel Gall, String Arranger - Russell Durham, Violin - Skyler Skjelset, Producer - Jonathan Seale, Producer - Robin Pecknold, Vocals, Mini Moog - Adam Burd, Engineer
© 2017 Fleet Foxes under exclusive license to Nonesuch Records Inc. ℗ 2017 Fleet Foxes, under exclusive license to Nonesuch Records Inc. for the United States and WEA International Inc. for the world outside of the United States.
Robin Pecknold, Producer, Guitar, Writer, Classical Guitar, Miscellaneous - Greg Calbi, MasteringEngineer - Beatriz Artola, Engineer - Chris Allen, Engineer - PHIL EK, Mixer - Fleet Foxes, MainArtist - Christian Wargo, Bass - Grant Valentine, Engineer - Gabe Wax, Engineer - Gosha Usov, Engineer - Owen Mulholland, Engineer - Hannah Epperson, Violin - Casey Wescott, Bells, Engineer, Synthesizer, Programming - Morgan Henderson, Bass Clarinet - Skyler Skjelset, Producer, Cymbals - Andy Clausen, Arranger, Trombone - Christopher Icasiano, Drums, Percussion - Riley Mulherkar, Trumpet - Willem de Koch, Trombone - Zubin Hensler, Trumpet - Robin Pecknold, Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar, Harpsichord, Piano, Vocals, Fender Bass, Footsteps - Adam Burd, Engineer
© 2017 Fleet Foxes under exclusive license to Nonesuch Records Inc. ℗ 2017 Fleet Foxes, under exclusive license to Nonesuch Records Inc. for the United States and WEA International Inc. for the world outside of the United States.
Album review
Six years after Helplessness Blues, the Fleet Foxes have emerged from their burrow. These past six years don't seem to have deeply changed the DNA of this group of brilliant folk musicians from Seattle, or their obsession with vocal harmonies. With Crack-Up, Robin Pecknold (who voluntarily retired from the music world to return to university) seems to have no metaphysical problems in locating a point perfectly equidistant between Crosby Stills Nash & Young and the Beach Boys. Wreathed its habitual and almost-mystical halo of reverb, the Fleet Foxes' third album brings together the ample blessings of a Brian Wilson production job with a subtle use of harmonics that hasn't been heard since David Crosby recorded the wild If I Could Only Remember My Name sometime last century. Part way between bucolic ballad and semi-baroque flight of fancy, this luxuriantly-arranged folk music makes Crack-Up an inspired and impressive record. © MD/Qobuz
About the album
- 1 disc(s) - 11 track(s)
- Total length: 00:55:06
- 1 Digital booklet
- Main artists: Fleet Foxes
- Label: Nonesuch
- Genre: Pop/Rock Rock Alternative & Indie
© 2017 Fleet Foxes under exclusive license to Nonesuch Records Inc. ℗ 2017 Fleet Foxes under exclusive license to Nonesuch Records Inc.
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