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It's a little surprising to consider that Julio Iglesias didn't have a comprehensive hits collection until My Life: The Greatest Hits was released in the fall of 1998, but the result was so strong that it made the wait worthwhile. Featuring no less than 37 songs over the course of two CDs, My Life has all of his biggest hits, most popular duets, and fan favorites, including "To All the Girls I've Loved Before," "All of You," "My Love," and "Summer Wind," a duet with Frank Sinatra. With only a couple of exceptions, the first disc is devoted to English-language hits, the second entirely to Latin hits. For some listeners, it may be too much material to digest, especially in one sitting, but there's little question that this is the definitive Julio Iglesias compilation.
© Stephen Thomas Erlewine /TiVo
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H. David, Lyricist - A. Hammond, Composer - Michael Brauer, Mixing Engineer - Chris Athens, Mastering Engineer - Julio Iglesias duet with Willie Nelson, Performer - Al Quaglieri, Producer - Ettore Stratta, Producer - Steve Berkowitz, Producer - Steve Berkowitz, A&R Coordinator - David Swope, Mixing Engineer - Bill Moss, 2nd Engineer - Joy Gilbert, Project Coordinator - Mike Renzi, Arranger - Ian Cuttler, Director - Patti Matheny, A&R Coordinator - Willie Nelson, Vocal - Jim Czak, Engineer - Julio Iglesias, Vocal
(P) 1984 Sony Music Entertainment (Holland) B.V.
E. Zuleta, Composer - E. Zuleta, Lyricist - R. Arcusa, Composer - R. Arcusa, Lyricist - Rudy Perez, Producer - Carlos Alvarez, Engineer - Vlado Meller, Mastering Engineer - Julio Iglesias, Performer
(P) 1998 Sony Music Entertainment (Holland) BV
Tony Renis, Arranger - Weil, Lyricist - Jeremy Lubbock, Performer - Richard Perry, Producer - Diana Ross, Performer - Humberto Gatica, Mixing Engineer - Humberto Gatica, Recording Engineer - Vlado Meller, Mastering Engineer - John Barnes, Arranger - Carlos Alvarez, Engineer - Julio Iglesias & Diana Ross, Performer - Albert Hammond, Co-Producer - Ramon Arcusa, Producer - Renis, Composer - TERRY CHRISTIAN, Recording Engineer
(P) 1984 Sony Music Entertainment (Holland) B.V.
Leland Sklar, Bass - David Foster, Keyboards - David Campbell, Arranger - Michael Thompson, Guitar - Eddie Bayers, Drums - Robbie Buchanan, Keyboards - Vlado Meller, Mastering Engineer - Carlos Alvarez, Engineer - Albert Hammond, Producer - Dave Koz, Saxophone - Jay Landers, Executive Producer - Willie Nelson, Composer - Willie Nelson, Lyricist - Léster Méndez, Keyboards - Julio Iglesias, Performer
(P) 1994 Sony Music Entertainment (Holland) B.V.
S. Wonder, Composer - S. Wonder, Lyricist - Steve Porcaro, Programmer - Steve Porcaro, Synthesizer - Tata Vega, Vocal - Tris Imboden, Drum Programmer - Jeremy Lubbock, Arranger - Michael Landau, Guitar - Humberto Gatica, Producer - Michael Boddicker, Programmer - David Paich, Synthesizer - David Paich, Programmer - Stevie Wonder, Producer - Stevie Wonder, Performer - Stevie Wonder, Harmonica - Carlos Alvarez, Engineer - TOM KEANE, Keyboards - TOM KEANE, Synthesizer - Vlado Meller, Mastering Engineer - Rhett Lawrence, Programmer - Rhett Lawrence, Drum Programmer - DIANTE, A&R Coordinator - Julio Iglesias duet with Stevie Wonder, Performer - Jean Johnson, Vocal - T. Keane, Arranger - David Foster, Synthesizer
(P) 1988 Sony Music Entertainment (Holland) BV
Rosemary Butler, Background Vocal - WALLY TRAUGOTT, Mastering Engineer - Ramon Arcusa, Co-Producer - Jill Coluchi, Background Vocal - Dean Parks, Guitar - Abraham Laboriel, Acoustic Bass - Neil Stubenhauss, Acoustic Bass - Tom Scott, Saxophone - Shirley Brooks, Coordinator - H. Peretti, Composer - H. Peretti, Lyricist - Carlos Vega, Drums - Michael Thompson, Guitar - Stephen Harrison, Engineer - Michel Colombier, Arranger - Michel Colombier, Keyboards - Kenny Lattimore, Arranger - Robbie Buchanan, Arranger - Robbie Buchanan, Keyboards - Jeff Porcaro, Drums - Davey Johnstone, Guitar - Joe Terrano, Background Vocal - Kim Cornwell, Keyboards - George Weiss, Composer - George Weiss, Lyricist - Mick Guzauski, Engineer - Mick Guzauski, Mixing Engineer - Marty Paich, Arranger - SUSANNE MARIE EDGREN, Coordinator - Michael Fisher, Percussion - Darren Klein, Engineer - Darren Klein, Mixing Engineer - Jay Landers, Executive Producer - LAURA LIVINGSTON, Engineer - Carlos Nieto, Engineer - Carlos Nieto, Mixing Engineer - DAN KURAMOTO, Keyboards - FRANK WOLF, Engineer - Chuck Domanico, Acoustic Bass - Tommy Morgan, Harmonica - Vlado Meller, Mastering Engineer - MARNIE RILEY, 2nd Engineer - Bill Champlin, Background Vocal - Sylvia Massy, 2nd Engineer - Guy Roche, Arranger - Randy Kerber, Arranger - Randy Kerber, Keyboards - Carlos Alvarez, Engineer - Carlos Alvarez, Mixing Engineer - Julio Iglesias, Performer - Albert Hammond, Producer - L. Creatore, Composer - L. Creatore, Lyricist
(P) 1990 Sony Music Entertainment (Holland) B.V.
Rosemary Butler, Background Vocal - WALLY TRAUGOTT, Mastering Engineer - Ramon Arcusa, Co-Producer - Jill Coluchi, Background Vocal - Dean Parks, Guitar - Abraham Laboriel, Bass - Neil Stubenhauss, Bass - Tom Scott, Saxophone - Shirley Brooks, Coordinator - Carlos Vega, Drums - Michael Thompson, Guitar - Stephen Harrison, Engineer - Michel Colombier, Arranger - Michel Colombier, Keyboards - Robbie Buchanan, Arranger - Robbie Buchanan, Keyboards - Jeff Porcaro, Drums - Davey Johnstone, Guitar - Joe Terrano, Background Vocal - Kim Cornwell, Keyboards - Mick Guzauski, Engineer - Mick Guzauski, Mixing Engineer - Marty Paich, Arranger - SUSANNE MARIE EDGREN, Coordinator - Michael Fisher, Percussion - Darren Klein, Engineer - Darren Klein, Mixing Engineer - Jay Landers, Executive Producer - LAURA LIVINGSTON, Engineer - Carlos Nieto, Engineer - Carlos Nieto, Mixing Engineer - FRANK WOLF, Engineer - Chuck Domanico, Bass - Tommy Morgan, Harmonica - Vlado Meller, Mastering Engineer - Dan Kuramoto, Keyboards - MARNIE RILEY, 2nd Engineer - Bill Champlin, Background Vocal - Sylvia Massy, 2nd Engineer - Guy Roche, Arranger - Randy Kerber, Arranger - Randy Kerber, Keyboards - Carlos Alvarez, Engineer - Carlos Alvarez, Mixing Engineer - Julio Iglesias, Performer - Albert Hammond, Producer - D. McLean, Composer - D. McLean, Lyricist
(P) 1990 Sony Music Entertainment (Holland) B.V.
Rosemary Butler, Background Vocal - WALLY TRAUGOTT, Mastering Engineer - Ramon Arcusa, Co-Producer - Jill Coluchi, Background Vocal - Dean Parks, Guitar - Abraham Laboriel, Acoustic Bass - Neil Stubenhauss, Acoustic Bass - Tom Scott, Saxophone - Shirley Brooks, Coordinator - Carlos Vega, Drums - C. Bayer-Sager, Composer - C. Bayer-Sager, Lyricist - Michael Thompson, Guitar - Stephen Harrison, Engineer - Michel Colombier, Arranger - Michel Colombier, Keyboards - Robbie Buchanan, Arranger - Robbie Buchanan, Keyboards - Jeff Porcaro, Drums - Daniel Kuramoto, Keyboards - Davey Johnstone, Guitar - Joe Terrano, Background Vocal - Kim Cornwell, Keyboards - Mick Guzauski, Engineer - Mick Guzauski, Mixing Engineer - Marty Paich, Arranger - SUSANNE MARIE EDGREN, Coordinator - Michael Fisher, Percussion - Darren Klein, Engineer - Darren Klein, Mixing Engineer - Jay Landers, Executive Producer - LAURA LIVINGSTON, Engineer - Carlos Nieto, Engineer - Carlos Nieto, Mixing Engineer - FRANK WOLF, Engineer - Chuck Domanico, Acoustic Bass - Tommy Morgan, Harmonica - Vlado Meller, Mastering Engineer - MARNIE RILEY, 2nd Engineer - Bill Champlin, Background Vocal - Sylvia Massy, 2nd Engineer - Guy Roche, Arranger - Randy Kerber, Arranger - Randy Kerber, Keyboards - A. Hammond, Composer - A. Hammond, Lyricist - Carlos Alvarez, Engineer - Carlos Alvarez, Mixing Engineer - Julio Iglesias, Performer - Albert Hammond, Producer
(P) 1990 Sony Music Entertainment (Holland) B.V.
Rudy Perez, Producer - R. McCormick, Composer - R. McCormick, Lyricist - E. Stevens, Composer - E. Stevens, Lyricist - Julio Iglesias, Vocal - Julio Iglesias, Performer
(P) 1998 Sony Music Entertainment (Holland) B.V.
Leland Sklar, Bass - Mike Baird, Drums - Rita Quintero, Background Vocal - Luis Conte, Percussion - Robbie Buchanan, Keyboards - Mike Fisher, Percussion - CJ Vanston, Synthesizer - Vlado Meller, Mastering Engineer - Fred Tackett, Acoustic Baritone Guitar - Carlos Alvarez, Engineer - Sting, Guitar - Sting, Background Vocal - Sting, Composer - Sting, Lyricist - Jenny Cruz, Background Vocal - George Noriega, Background Vocal - Albert Hammond, Producer - Julio Iglesias, Performer - Dean Parks, Acoustic Baritone Guitar - Hector Almaguer, Background Vocal
(P) 1994 Sony Music Entertainment (Holland) BV
Bill Ross, Orchestrator - Dean Parks, Acoustic Baritone Guitar - Claude Gaudette, Programmer - Michael Thompson, Electric Guitar - Léster Méndez, Keyboards - CJ Vanston, Programmer - Albert Hammond, Co-Producer - Mike Baird, Drums - Carlos Alvarez, Engineer - Leland Sklar, Bass - Julio Iglesias duet with Dolly Parton, Performer - A. Hammond, Composer - A. Hammond, Lyricist - Vlado Meller, Mastering Engineer - Mark Portman, Programmer - Mark Portman, Drum Programmer - Dolly Parton, Performer - John Bettis, Lyricist - John Bettis, Composer - David Foster, Producer - David Foster, Keyboards - David Foster, Arranger - Simon Frangien, Programmer - Simon Frangien, Drum Programmer
(P) 1994 Sony Music Entertainment (Holland) B.V.
Mike Baird, Drums - David Campbell, Arranger - Julio Hernández, Bass - CJ Vanston, Synthesizer - Lucio Dalla, Composer - Lucio Dalla, Lyricist - Vlado Meller, Mastering Engineer - Carlos Alvarez, Engineer - Claude Gaudette, Keyboards - Lee Levin, Drums - Albert Hammond, Producer - Léster Méndez, Keyboards - Julio Iglesias, Performer
(P) 1994 Sony Music Entertainment (Holland) B.V.
All-4-One, Performer - Julio Iglesias duet with All-4-One, Performer - Vlado Meller, Mastering Engineer - Alex Rodriguez, Recording Engineer - Carlos Alvarez, Engineer - Carlos Alvarez, Mixing Engineer - Carlos Alvarez, Recording Engineer - Lee Levin, Drums - Jeremy Smith, Recording Engineer - Albert Hammond, Vocal Arranger - Albert Hammond, Producer - Jerome Kern, Composer - Jerome Kern, Lyricist - Robby Buchanan, Keyboards - Robby Buchanan, Arranger - Otto Harbach, Composer - Otto Harbach, Lyricist - Léster Méndez, Keyboards
(P) 1998 Sony Music Entertainment (Holland) B.V.
R. Arcusa, Producer - S. Marti, Composer - S. Marti, Lyricist - D. Daniel, Composer - D. Daniel, Lyricist - Julio Iglesias, Vocal - Julio Iglesias, Performer
(P) 1994 Sony Music Entertainment (Holland) B.V.
Richard Perry, Co-Producer - Humberto Gatica, Mixing Engineer - Humberto Gatica, Recording Engineer - A. Hammond, Composer - A. Hammond, Lyricist - Carole Bayer Sager, Composer - Carole Bayer Sager, Lyricist - Vlado Meller, Mastering Engineer - Carlos Alvarez, Engineer - Albert Hammond, Co-Producer - Michel Colombier, Arranger - Ramon Arcusa, Producer - Julio Iglesias, Performer - TERRY CHRISTIAN, Recording Engineer
(P) 1984 Sony Music Entertainment (Holland) B.V.
Claude François, Lyricist - Claude François, Composer - Humberto Gatica, Producer - Vlado Meller, Mastering Engineer - Jacques Revaux, Lyricist - Jacques Revaux, Composer - Carlos Alvarez, Engineer - Paul Anka, Performer - Paul Anka, Lyricist - Gilles Thibault, Lyricist - Gilles Thibault, Composer - Julio Iglesias duet with Paul Anka, Performer - Roberto Livi, Lyricist - Julio Iglesias, Lyricist - Julio Iglesias, Performer
P) 1996 Sony Music Entertainment (Holland) B.V.
Jeremy Lubbock, Arranger - Richard Perry, Co-Producer - Humberto Gatica, Mixing Engineer - Humberto Gatica, Recording Engineer - Vlado Meller, Mastering Engineer - Carlos Alvarez, Engineer - Albert Hammond, Co-Producer - Albert Hammond, Lyricist - Randy Kerber, Arranger - R. Ceratto, Composer - R. Ceratto, Lyricist - Ramon Arcusa, Producer - Julio Iglesias, Performer - TERRY CHRISTIAN, Recording Engineer
(P) 1984 Sony Music Entertainment (Holland) B.V.
B. Lauret, Composer - B. Lauret, Lyricist - R. Arcusa, Producer - Carlos Alvarez, Producer - Carlos Alvarez, Engineer - Vlado Meller, Mastering Engineer - Julio Iglesias, Performer - Julio Iglesias, Producer - Julio Iglesias, Composer - Julio Iglesias, Lyricist
(P) 1998 Sony Music Entertainment (Holland) B.V.
Manuel De La Calva Diego, Composer - Manuel De La Calva Diego, Lyricist - R. Arcusa, Producer - Carlos Alvarez, Engineer - Julio Iglesias de la Cueve, Lyricist - Julio Iglesias de la Cueve, Composer - Ramon Arcusa Alcon, Composer - Ramon Arcusa Alcon, Lyricist - M. De La Calva, Producer - Vlado Meller, Mastering Engineer - Julio Iglesias, Performer - Julio Iglesias, Producer
(P) 1978 Sony Music Entertainment (Holland) B.V.
G. Belfiore, Composer - G. Belfiore, Lyricist - R. Arcusa, Producer - R. Arcusa, Composer - R. Arcusa, Lyricist - Carlos Alvarez, Engineer - M. Balducci, Composer - M. Balducci, Lyricist - Vlado Meller, Mastering Engineer - J. Iglesias, Composer - J. Iglesias, Lyricist - Julio Iglesias, Performer
(P) 1980 Sony Music Entertainment (Holland) B.V.
G. ROIG, Composer - G. ROIG, Lyricist - R. Arcusa, Producer - Carlos Alvarez, Engineer - J. Mercury, Composer - J. Mercury, Lyricist - Vlado Meller, Mastering Engineer - M. Jourdan, Composer - M. Jourdan, Lyricist - Julio Iglesias, Performer
(P) 1979 Sony Music Entertainment (Holland) B.V.
Ramón Arcusa, Producer - Ramón Arcusa, Director - Ramón Arcusa, Arranger - R. Arcusa, Composer - R. Arcusa, Lyricist - Carlos Alvarez, Engineer - Rafael Ferro, Director - Rafael Ferro, Arranger - T. Renis, Composer - T. Renis, Lyricist - Vlado Meller, Mastering Engineer - J. Iglesias, Composer - J. Iglesias, Lyricist - Julio Iglesias, Performer
(P) 1982 Sony Music Entertainment (Holland) B.V.
R. Lopez-Mendez, Composer - R. Arcusa, Producer - G. Ruiz, Composer - Carlos Alvarez, Engineer - Vlado Meller, Mastering Engineer - Julio Iglesias, Performer
(P) 1982 Sony Music Entertainment (Holland) BV
R. Arcusa, Producer - Elio Cesari, Composer - Elio Cesari, Lyricist - Ramon Arcusa, Composer - Ramon Arcusa, Lyricist - Carlos Alvarez, Engineer - Tony Renis, Composer - Tony Renis, Lyricist - Manuel Diaz Martinez, Composer - Manuel Diaz Martinez, Lyricist - Vlado Meller, Mastering Engineer - Julio Iglesias, Performer - Julio Iglesias, Composer - Julio Iglesias, Lyricist
(P) 1981 Sony Music Entertainment (Holland) B.V.
A. Cabral, Composer - A. Cabral, Lyricist - E. Diezo, Composer - E. Diezo, Lyricist - Ramon Arcusa, Producer - Ramon Arcusa, Director - Ramon Arcusa, Arranger - Carlos Alvarez, Engineer - Vlado Meller, Mastering Engineer - Julio Iglesias, Performer
(P) 1981 Sony Music Entertainment (Holland) B.V.
R. Arcusa, Producer - Carlos Alvarez, Engineer - Cole Porter, Composer - Cole Porter, Lyricist - Vlado Meller, Mastering Engineer - Julio Iglesias, Performer - Julio Iglesias, Lyricist
(P) 1981 Sony Music Entertainment (Holland) BV
Tony Renis, Producer - M. Guantini, Composer - M. Guantini, Lyricist - D. James Chacon, Composer - D. James Chacon, Lyricist - Humberto Gatica, Producer - T. Renis, Composer - T. Renis, Lyricist - Vlado Meller, Mastering Engineer - R. Lawrence, Composer - R. Lawrence, Lyricist - Carlos Alvarez, Engineer - Julio Iglesias, Performer - Julio Iglesias, Producer
(P) 1988 Sony Music Entertainment (Holland) B.V.
M. Alejandro, Composer - M. Alejandro, Lyricist - R. Arcusa, Producer - Carlos Alvarez, Producer - Carlos Alvarez, Engineer - Vlado Meller, Mastering Engineer - Julio Iglesias, Performer - Julio Iglesias, Producer - A. Magdalena, Composer - A. Magdalena, Lyricist
(P) 1998 Sony Music Entertainment (Holland) B.V.
R. Arcusa, Producer - Carlos Alvarez, Producer - Carlos Alvarez, Engineer - Vlado Meller, Mastering Engineer - J. Iglesias, Composer - J. Iglesias, Lyricist - Julio Iglesias, Performer - Julio Iglesias, Producer - R. Ferro, Composer - R. Ferro, Lyricist
(P) 1998 Sony Music Entertainment (Holland) B.V.
R. Arcusa, Producer - R. Arcusa, Composer - R. Arcusa, Lyricist - H. Manzi, Composer - H. Manzi, Lyricist - Carlos Alvarez, Engineer - Vlado Meller, Mastering Engineer - S. Piana, Composer - S. Piana, Lyricist - Julio Iglesias, Performer
(P) 1992 Sony Music Entertainment (Holland) B.V.
Dan Warner, Performer - Julio Iglesias, Vocal - Julio Iglesias, Performer - Julio Hernández, Performer - Rafael Ferro, Performer - Julián Navarro, Performer - Tim Devine, Performer - Carlos Alberto Carrales, Jr., Performer - Ed Calle, Performer - Roberto Livi, Producer - Léster Méndez, Performer - Carlos Alberto Carrales, Performer - Raúl Parentella, Performer - Lee Levin, Performer - Abraham Laboriel, Performer - Edgardo Donato, Composer - Edgardo Donato, Lyricist - Nestor Marconi, Performer - Carlos César Lenzi, Lyricist - Grant Geissman, Performer
(P) 1996 Sony Music Entertainment Netherlands B.V.
R. Arcusa, Producer - Carlos Alvarez, Engineer - Luis Gardey, Composer - Luis Gardey, Lyricist - Vlado Meller, Mastering Engineer - Julio Iglesias, Performer
(P) 1985 Sony Music Entertainment (Holland) B.V.
R. Arcusa, Producer - Carlos Alvarez, Engineer - Rafael Ferro, Composer - Rafael Ferro, Lyricist - Vlado Meller, Mastering Engineer - Roberto Livi, Composer - Roberto Livi, Lyricist - Julio Iglesias, Performer
(P) 1995 Sony Music Entertainment (Holland) B.V.
T. Bailardo, Composer - T. Bailardo, Lyricist - Juan Valdez, Arranger - N. Reyes, Composer - N. Reyes, Lyricist - R. Arcusa, Producer - Carlos Alvarez, Engineer - Vlado Meller, Mastering Engineer - J. Bouchikhi, Composer - J. Bouchikhi, Lyricist - Julio Iglesias, Performer
(P) 1989 Sony Music Entertainment (Holland) B.V.
Dan Warner, Performer - Julio Iglesias, Vocal - Julio Iglesias, Performer - Julio Hernández, Performer - Rafael Ferro, Performer - Julián Navarro, Performer - Tim Devine, Performer - Carlos Alberto Carrales, Jr., Performer - Ed Calle, Performer - Roberto Livi, Producer - Léster Méndez, Performer - Enrique Pedro Maroni, Lyricist - Carlos Alberto Carrales, Performer - Raúl Parentella, Performer - Lee Levin, Performer - Gerardo Hernán Matos Rodríguez, Composer - Gerardo Hernán Matos Rodríguez, Lyricist - Abraham Laboriel, Performer - Nestor Marconi, Performer - Pascual Contursi, Lyricist - Grant Geissman, Performer
(P) 1996 Sony Music Entertainment Netherlands B.V.
Donato, Composer - Donato, Lyricist - Batt, Composer - Batt, Lyricist - R. Arcusa, Producer - Carlos Alvarez, Engineer - Vlado Meller, Mastering Engineer - Estefano, Composer - Estefano, Lyricist - Julio Iglesias, Performer
(P) 1995 Sony Music Entertainment (Holland) B.V.
Album review
It's a little surprising to consider that Julio Iglesias didn't have a comprehensive hits collection until My Life: The Greatest Hits was released in the fall of 1998, but the result was so strong that it made the wait worthwhile. Featuring no less than 37 songs over the course of two CDs, My Life has all of his biggest hits, most popular duets, and fan favorites, including "To All the Girls I've Loved Before," "All of You," "My Love," and "Summer Wind," a duet with Frank Sinatra. With only a couple of exceptions, the first disc is devoted to English-language hits, the second entirely to Latin hits. For some listeners, it may be too much material to digest, especially in one sitting, but there's little question that this is the definitive Julio Iglesias compilation.
© Stephen Thomas Erlewine /TiVo
About the album
- 2 disc(s) - 37 track(s)
- Total length: 02:25:36
- Main artists: Julio Iglesias
- Composer: Various Composers
- Label: SMI Artist
- Genre: Pop/Rock International Pop
This compilation (P) 1998 Sony Music Entertainment
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