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With their first major label release, the Indigo Girls come on strong with an outstanding batch of tunes, watertight harmonies, impeccable musicianship, and flawless production. And entering the folk-rock music scene on the successful heels of R.E.M., Tracy Chapman, and 10,000 Maniacs pushed their sales over the million mark and earned the duo a Grammy for Best Folk Recording. The eponymous release kicks off with the upbeat jangle bounce of "Closer to Fine," a modest hit, all-time fan favorite written by Emily Saliers, and a tune the Girls still play at every concert. A particularly fascinating point is that the Indigo Girls never write songs together, but they compliment each other perfectly. The difference in styles becomes immediately apparent when the more dark and brooding Amy Ray steps up. Her remarkable contributions include "Secure Yourself," "Kid Fears," and "Blood and Fire," spiritual ruminations of life, love, pain, and faith which bury themselves deep inside your core whether invited or not. Weighting the opposite scales, Saliers offers a tender balance to Ray with two beautiful ballads, "Love's Recovery" and "History of Us." (Ray's "Land of Canaan" was once a ballad, but then she heard the Replacements and it became a bit of a rocker.) Chiming in with musical support are Hothouse Flowers, Luka Bloom, and fellow Georgians R.E.M. This self-titled release captures the passion of their youth with voices that are a little cloudy, untamed, and raw, but the power that surges through them suggests a maturity far beyond their years. The same can be said of the songwriting -- sheer poetry. To attempt examinations of these songs would not do them justice, for the layers of meaning and emotion unfold best upon repeated listening.
© Kelly McCartney /TiVo
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Clif Norrell, Engineer - Liam O'Maonlai, Background Vocal - Amy and Emily, Vocal - Amy and Emily, Guitar - Fiachna OBraonain, Background Vocal - John Keane, Engineer - Judy Last, 2nd Engineer - Scott Litt, Producer - Tony Serdarusich, 2nd Engineer - Jeff Poe, 2nd Engineer - Frank French, Producer - Peter O'Toole, Background Vocal - Peter O'Toole, Mandolin - Paulinho Da Costa, Percussion - Tim Oliver, Engineer - Stephen Marcussen, Mastering Engineer - Luka Bloom, Background Vocal - Liam O'Maolai, Bodhran - Indigo Girls, Performer - Stacy Baird, 2nd Engineer - Emily Saliers, Composer - Emily Saliers, Lyricist
(P) 1989 Epic Records, a division of Sony Music Entertainment
Jeff Poe, 2nd Engineer - A. Ray, Composer - A. Ray, Lyricist - Scott Litt, Producer - Peter O'Toole, Mandolin - Stacy Baird, 2nd Engineer - Indigo Girls, Performer - Dede Vogt, Bass - Emily, 12 String Guitar - Stephen Marcussen, Mastering Engineer - Judy Last, 2nd Engineer - John Keane, Engineer - Clif Norrell, Engineer - Tony Serdarusich, 2nd Engineer
(P) 1989 Sony Music Entertainment Inc.
Jeff Poe, 2nd Engineer - A. Ray, Composer - A. Ray, Lyricist - Scott Litt, Producer - Stacy Baird, 2nd Engineer - Amy and Emily, Vocal - Amy and Emily, Guitar - Indigo Girls, Performer - Dede Vogt, Bass - Stephen Marcussen, Mastering Engineer - Tim Oliver, Engineer - Paulinho Da Costa, Percussion - Judy Last, 2nd Engineer - John Keane, Engineer - John Keane, 12 String Guitar - Clif Norrell, Engineer - Michael Stipe, Background Vocal - Jay Dee Daugherty, Drums - Tony Serdarusich, 2nd Engineer
(P) 1989 Epic Records, a division of Sony Music Entertainment
Jeff Poe, 2nd Engineer - Scott Litt, Producer - Stacy Baird, 2nd Engineer - Indigo Girls, Performer - Stephen Marcussen, Mastering Engineer - Amy Ray, Composer - Amy Ray, Lyricist - Paulinho Da Costa, Percussion - Judy Last, 2nd Engineer - E. Saliers, Composer - E. Saliers, Lyricist - John Keane, Engineer - John Keane, Bass - Clif Norrell, Engineer - Jay Dee Daugherty, Drums - Tony Serdarusich, 2nd Engineer
(P) 1989 Sony Music Entertainment Inc.
Jeff Poe, 2nd Engineer - A. Ray, Composer - A. Ray, Lyricist - Scott Litt, Producer - Stacy Baird, 2nd Engineer - Indigo Girls, Performer - Stephen Marcussen, Mastering Engineer - Judy Last, 2nd Engineer - John Keane, Engineer - Clif Norrell, Engineer - Tony Serdarusich, 2nd Engineer
(P) 1989 Sony Music Entertainment Inc.
Jeff Poe, 2nd Engineer - Mike Mills, Bass - A. Ray, Composer - A. Ray, Lyricist - Scott Litt, Producer - Bill Berry, Drums - Stacy Baird, 2nd Engineer - Indigo Girls, Performer - Emily, Guitar - Stephen Marcussen, Mastering Engineer - Judy Last, 2nd Engineer - John Keane, Engineer - John Keane, Shaker - Clif Norrell, Engineer - Peter Buck, Electric Guitar - Tony Serdarusich, 2nd Engineer
(P) 1989 Sony Music Entertainment Inc.
Jeff Poe, 2nd Engineer - Jai Winding, Piano - Scott Litt, Producer - Stacy Baird, 2nd Engineer - Indigo Girls, Performer - Dede Vogt, Bass - Stephen Marcussen, Mastering Engineer - Judy Last, 2nd Engineer - John Keane, Engineer - Clif Norrell, Engineer - Emily Saliers, Composer - Emily Saliers, Lyricist - Tony Serdarusich, 2nd Engineer
(P) 1989 Epic Records, a division of Sony Music Entertainment
Jeff Poe, 2nd Engineer - A. Ray, Composer - A. Ray, Lyricist - Scott Litt, Producer - Kasim Sultan, Bass - Jay Dee Daughery, Drums - Stacy Baird, 2nd Engineer - Indigo Girls, Performer - Stephen Marcussen, Mastering Engineer - Paulinho Da Costa, Percussion - Judy Last, 2nd Engineer - John Keane, Slide Guitar - John Keane, Engineer - Clif Norrell, Engineer - Tony Serdarusich, 2nd Engineer
(P) 1989 Sony Music Entertainment Inc.
Jeff Poe, 2nd Engineer - A. Ray, Composer - A. Ray, Lyricist - Scott Litt, Producer - Stacy Baird, 2nd Engineer - Indigo Girls, Performer - Stephen Marcussen, Mastering Engineer - Judy Last, 2nd Engineer - John Keane, Slide Guitar - John Keane, Bass Drum - John Keane, Engineer - Clif Norrell, Engineer - Tony Serdarusich, 2nd Engineer
(P) 1989 Sony Music Entertainment Inc.
Jeff Poe, 2nd Engineer - Scott Litt, Producer - John Van Tongeren, Keyboards - Stacy Baird, 2nd Engineer - Indigo Girls, Performer - Dede Vogt, Bass - Stephen Marcussen, Mastering Engineer - Judy Last, 2nd Engineer - E. Saliers, Composer - E. Saliers, Lyricist - John Keane, Engineer - Clif Norrell, Engineer - Tony Serdarusich, 2nd Engineer
(P) 1989 Sony Music Entertainment Inc.
Jay Dee Daughery, Drums - A. Ray, Composer - A. Ray, Lyricist - John Keane, Slide Guitar - Kasim Sultan, Bass - Indigo Girls, Performer - Scott Litt, Re-Mixer - Paulinho Da Costa, Percussion
(P) 1989 Sony Music Entertainment Inc.
A. Ray, Composer - A. Ray, Lyricist - Tim Summerhays, Engineer - Indigo Girls, Performer - David Leonard, Engineer - David Leonard, Mixing Engineer - Unknown, Producer
(P) 1994 Sony Music Entertainment Inc.
Album review
With their first major label release, the Indigo Girls come on strong with an outstanding batch of tunes, watertight harmonies, impeccable musicianship, and flawless production. And entering the folk-rock music scene on the successful heels of R.E.M., Tracy Chapman, and 10,000 Maniacs pushed their sales over the million mark and earned the duo a Grammy for Best Folk Recording. The eponymous release kicks off with the upbeat jangle bounce of "Closer to Fine," a modest hit, all-time fan favorite written by Emily Saliers, and a tune the Girls still play at every concert. A particularly fascinating point is that the Indigo Girls never write songs together, but they compliment each other perfectly. The difference in styles becomes immediately apparent when the more dark and brooding Amy Ray steps up. Her remarkable contributions include "Secure Yourself," "Kid Fears," and "Blood and Fire," spiritual ruminations of life, love, pain, and faith which bury themselves deep inside your core whether invited or not. Weighting the opposite scales, Saliers offers a tender balance to Ray with two beautiful ballads, "Love's Recovery" and "History of Us." (Ray's "Land of Canaan" was once a ballad, but then she heard the Replacements and it became a bit of a rocker.) Chiming in with musical support are Hothouse Flowers, Luka Bloom, and fellow Georgians R.E.M. This self-titled release captures the passion of their youth with voices that are a little cloudy, untamed, and raw, but the power that surges through them suggests a maturity far beyond their years. The same can be said of the songwriting -- sheer poetry. To attempt examinations of these songs would not do them justice, for the layers of meaning and emotion unfold best upon repeated listening.
© Kelly McCartney /TiVo
About the album
- 1 disc(s) - 12 track(s)
- Total length: 00:51:32
- Main artists: Indigo Girls
- Composer: Various Composers
- Label: Epic
- Genre: Pop/Rock
(P) 1989, 1994, 2000 Sony Music Entertainment Inc.
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