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Twinkling lights bring sparkle to every corner, while our most beloved collections add a touch of magic to every space all year long.

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Sunny side up

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Hop to it!

All the joys of spring! Hop to the liveliest, loveliest of Easter celebrations: it’s all sunshine, ribbons, and blooms bursting with the brightest colours. Ferns and felted eggs bedeck bushy spring wreaths whilst daisy garlands bring a touch of floral charm to tables laden with Easter baking. Playful décor shines both inside and out: gardens glow with lanternlight, hallways are cheered by the prettiest pink candles.

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Decorative & seasonal lighting for your home and garden

Adding glow to every day, and illuminating the special ones - we are the home of decorative lighting. But it's more than just the lights for us, it's turning houses into homes that we're really proud of.

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